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I finished my eyeliner, before examining my look in the mirror. I'd decided on a casual look, a dark blue shirt, dark grey skinny jeans which showcased every curve. stiletto ankle boots (with silver spikes), and I'd added my sword belt and holster. I left a few buttons undone at the top and kept my hair in casual loose waves.

'You ready?' Sage asked, exiting the bathroom. 'I wanna get breakfast before classes.' 

'Aye, all ready.' I nodded. 'Let's go.' 

We headed down to the dining hall which was already teeming with students, as it had gone 7 in the morning. Gideon very quickly joined us and we got coffee and food, and headed to our table we always sat at last year. 

Unfortunately, there were already a few first-year Nevers sat there. I narrowed my eyes at them. 'Move, or get a sword in your jugular.' 

They all scrambled to leave, and I smiled in satisfaction. Things were done a lot more efficiently when you were an asshole. Gideon and Sage were smiling in bemusement. They sat down on the bench, whereas I perched myself on top of the table next to them, crossing one leg over the other, and sipped my coffee. 

'Bullying first-years, now are we, Miss Hook?' A horribly familiar voice mused from right behind me, as a ringed hand touched my arm. I closed my eyes briefly in annoyance.

I swiftly jerked my arm away. 'Only way to get things done.' I said evenly. 'And I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my personal space, Lady Lesso.' 

She moved to stand in front of me, her expression uncertain. I saw Gideon and Sage exchange looks as well. I kept my expression impassive, as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, determined not to fall into their trap again, even though my heart was racing.

'How was your summer?' She asked. 

'Restorative.' I shrugged. 'I'd ask how was yours, but I actually don't care.' I jumped off the bench, turning to Gideon and Sage. 'You guys coming? I'd like to have my coffee in peace.' They both, nodded, standing up. 

I turned back to Lesso. 'See you in class.' I said snarkily, before leaving with my friends. For once, I'd actually left her speechless. I don't think she was expecting me to be so detached and unbothered. 

This was going to be an interesting year. 


The next hour consisted of us sitting in Safer's class, feeling bored as hell, since nobody was really listening to the Professor and were either talking amongst themselves or throwing things around the room. Even the Evers looked as irritated as me. 

I wasn't in the mood to listen to the Professor's lecture or mess about either. I put my head in my arms on my desk, ignoring everything happening around me. I couldn't believe I had to last another year in this hellhole with the wretched degenerates I was forced to share a classroom with. I was sure I'd go insane before the year was out. And not in a good way. 

I swiftly ducked as a dagger sailed in my direction from a random classmate. I was so glad I had a free period after this; one of the perks of being a second-year. I had more free-time. 

'Are you okay, Katherine?' Gideon asked. 'You're really quiet.' 

I gave him a weird look. 'Aye, I'm fine. Just trying to actually listen to the Professor and not these idiots.' I gestured to our raucous classmates. 

Eventually the hour was over and we were released for our next classes. Sage had her specialised subject next but Gideon had a free period, same as me. 

The Definition of Insanity | 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя