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I quickly changed into a simple pair of black skinny jeans, a black and white striped halter top, my fitted black leather jacket and black heeled ankle boots. I decided to just leave my hair casual and thrown over one shoulder, as I attached my sword belt to my jeans and put my sword in its holster. 

'Katherine, are you ready?' Mum yelled up the stairs. 

'Nearly!' I shouted back. 

I grabbed my suitcase, making sure I had all my necessary items with me. I headed downstairs before giving my mum a hug and left with my dad. 

He took my suitcase for me as we headed for the forest. 'Are you nervous?' 

'A bit.' I admitted. 

'Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just tell people you're Captain Hook's daughter, they'll back off instantly.' 

I laughed. 'Oh aye, I'll be sure to do that.' 

We soon reached a clearing where the moon was shining through. This should be where the bird will take you.' He said, handing me my suitcase. 'This is where we depart from here. Good luck my daughter, and I'll be wanting to hear about everything when we see you at Christmas.' 

'Okay, thanks dad.' I smiled, hugging him and he left. 

It took a few minutes before the sky above me turned a crimson red and I grinned delightedly. Here we go. 

A large skeletal bird burst from the trees, talons extended. Wow. If I weren't the daughter of villains, I'd be terrified, but this bird was magnificent. It grabbed my shoulders, lifting me above the red clouds. I kept my suitcase held tightly in my hands, trying not to look down. To say not much scared me, I was terrified of heights. I preferred to keep my feet firmly on the ground, where they belonged. 

It wasn't long before the great bird, was descending again, back through the clouds, before soaring through a large beam of blinding sunlight and towards two huge castles, which I recognised as the School for Good and Evil. 

We drifted over the School for Good, and for a second, I thought the bird was going to drop me there, but it swooped in a U-turn, over to the school of Evil. I grinned. 

My grin didn't last long, as it suddenly dropped me, and I plummeted through the cold air, screaming. Oh god, I'm going to die, I thought darkly, before I plunged into the icy cold water, which hurt; I felt like I'd hit a brick wall. I quickly swam to the surface, gasping for air. Thank god my dad had taught me how to swim. Well, that was a loose term. He'd randomly pushed me off the Jolly Roger one time,  forcing me to swim for my life. 

Yeah, my parents weren't the gentle parenting type. 

I looked around at other students, dropping all around me into the water before making their way to shore where the entrance to the castle was. I followed suit, wading up to the shore, and quickly shook myself off. I muttered a quick air drying spell which allowed me to be surrounded in warm air, quickly drying me off. 

I smiled in satisfaction, striding past the armoured wolves and inside with my suitcase. 

I found myself in a crowded hall of Nevers, all wandering around or huddled in groups chatting excitedly. 

God, they all needed a lesson in fashion 101, I thought sarcastically. I'd be happy to magically improve their outfits. Yeah, I was judgy, sue me. 

So if the school was reformed, where were all the Evers? I suddenly wondered. Or was it just the buildings and dorms that were still kept separate? 

'Hey!' A boy bounded over to me, he looked about 18-19. 'Are you new?' 

'Yeah, this is my first time.' I nodded. 'I'm Katherine.' 

The Definition of Insanity | 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ