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I finished applying some light makeup and decided to put on one of my brand new lipsticks; I chose the dark red one. I'd kept my skinny jeans on, but changed my striped top for a simple black cropped t-shirt, and I kept my sword on me. I kept my hair casual too. 

As soon as I was done, Hester and Dot walked me to the newcomers assembly that was a mix of Evers and Nevers. I prayed that gorgeous blue-eyed woman wasn't going to be there. 

Hester and Dot left me at the doors and I walked in. There were seats on either side of the room, but opposed to my expectations, Evers and Nevers were sitting wherever they liked and mingling. 

I saw there was a spot down at the front near the end of the hall, so I went and perched myself there. An ever girl came and sat next me, and smiled sweetly. I gave an uncertain smile back. Her hair was as pink as candyfloss. 

Unfortunately, life likes to laugh at me, because the blue-eyed devil herself walked in along with another woman wearing all gold, even her makeup was gold. I kept my head down, creating a curtain with my hair, hoping she wouldn't notice me. They stood this end of the hall, and the woman in gold started speaking first; 

'Welcome, first year students!' She exclaimed joyfully. Dear god, was she always this happy? 

'I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the school for good!' She continued. Suddenly all the Evers, started repeatedly chanting "Evers!" 

I raised an eyebrow. 'Really?' I muttered. 

'And I am Lady Lesso, Dean for the School of Evil.' The blue-eyed woman herself piped up dramatically. My heart stopped for a second. Lady Lesso? I had 2 classes with her! 

'Nevers!' All the Nevers started chanting. I literally face-palmed. You couldn't get anymore cringe-worthy. 

I kept staring at Lady Lesso. She looked even more beautiful than that day I first met her at the tavern, if that was even possible. She seemed to just silently command attention from the powerful aura she was giving off. My heart was racing just from the sight of her. 

'As per tradition, the winning school from last year, us, again.' Professor Dovey continued smugly. 'Will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents. Gentlemen!' She called, banging her staff on the ground. 

All of a sudden, the middle of the hall filled up with a bunch of guys with swords (none as pretty as mine, I thought, smirking and looking down at my own sword) who lined up in the middle of the hall, and starting doing what I could only describe as a faux sword fight dance thing, which made me physically cringe. 

'Seriously?' I said. Unfortunately, I glanced in the direction of Dovey and Lesso without thinking, and accidentally ocean blue eyes met my green ones. 

Her eyes widened as she very quickly recognised me, and stared at me for a second, obviously in surprise. Whether good or bad, I didn't know. I quickly looked away, acting like I hadn't seen her. Shit!

My mouth had suddenly become very dry and my heart was racing again. God, what the hell was she doing to me? I was never this flustered over someone before. 

The boys had finished their stupid performance, and began throwing roses into the crowd at either side. One of the roses landed on me and not candyfloss girl next to me, who looked sad, so I quickly chucked it to her. She smiled at me like was being nice, but I didn't actually want a rose from one of these stupid boys. 

'If you boys are finished with your dance class,' a voice sounded from up high. 'Maybe you'd like to have a real fight!' I looked up. Another stupid boy was stood on a balcony and swung from a rope to get to our level. I instantly recognised him. King Arthurs son, Tedros. 

'Oh god.' I muttered in disgust. He then started picking the boys off one by one, "defeating" them (if you could even call it that). 

'Isn't he just amazing?' Candyfloss girl next to me gushed. 

'Not really.' I raised my eyebrows. 

He'd finished, when all the boys were down. I rolled my eyes. What a show off. The Evers all clapped, squealing excitedly. 

'Now, you'll have probably heard of the new regime around here.' Dovey started up. 'We're slowly reforming the school. We've already started this by mixing some classes up as you'll have noticed on your class schedules.' 

She carried on with her speech, and I tuned it out, staring over at Lady Lesso. She didn't look at me again. 

I couldn't help but check her out. I couldn't stop myself; she was hot. The confidence she was exuding was kind of intimidating and I kept asking myself what the hell had I done in a past life for her to end up being my teacher here. 

'Now! There will be a dinner and then off to your respective dorms.' Dovey finished, dismissing us. 

Finally. I couldn't wait to get out of here and be alone with my thoughts. Everyone started getting up, and leaving, heading off to the dining hall. Candyfloss girl gave me one last smile, before leaving too. 

I sighed deeply and got up before I could take another step, someone grabbed my hand, dragging me out another door and into a deserted room. 

I turned and my heart skipped a beat. It was Lady Lesso. She looked agitated as she turned to me. 'What the hell is this?' 

'What are you talking about?' I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide how nervous I was. 

'You didn't tell you were going to be a student here!' She hissed. 

'Does it matter?' I shrugged, crossing my arms. 

'Of course it matters! What happened over the summer-' She started, looking slightly uncomfortable. 'It can't happen again. It would be inappropriate.' 

'Well I'm glad we cleared that up.' I said sarcastically. 


'The very fact that you seemed to have assumed I wanted it to happen again. That's kind of arrogant, don't you think?' I responded. 

She glared. 'I was just making sure you knew.' 

'Well thanks, but don't worry, I wasn't looking for it to be a regular thing.' I smirked, despite my racing heart. 

'Well, good.' 

'Yeah, good!' I nodded. 'Am I excused?' 

'Yes, go.' She nodded, gesturing with her cane. 

I started to walk away when I realised she had nothing more to say. 

Just as I reached the door though, she grabbed my hand again, pulling me into her as she kissed me fiercely. I melted into the kiss, giving in to the feeling of her soft lips on mine, and she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me close.

Wait, another part of my brain argued. She literally just said it can't happen again. 

I broke the kiss, pushing her away. We both stopped to get our breath back. 

She stared at me with an unreadable expression. 

'It can't happen again, remember?' I raised an eyebrow, before turning and leaving. 

I sighed as I reached the corridors. I was still shaking though. 

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