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The Next Morning

I woke up with a start. I'd just had a really vivid dream that one of the birds had dropped me in the School for Good and I'd been forced to wear a pink puffy dress. I shuddered, before checking the time; it was still 5am. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to sleep now, so I conjured up a heating spell into the room, and got out my sword before giving it a quick polish and carefully placed it back in its holster. I knew it was too early for breakfast, which started at six, so I went and got a quick shower, and got dressed. I decided to go a bit different and put on a dark green sweater over a black tank top, some black skinny jeans with fur lining for warmth, and a black scarf and leather jacket. I added some winter boots. I decided to straighten my hair for once, which didn't take me long as I used my magic. 

I wasn't in the mood to wear any makeup, but I put on a bit of concealer to hide my tired eyes and some lip oil to protect against the cold, dry weather. I checked the time again; it was ten to six, so I slung my bag over my shoulder, put my sword belt on and headed down towards the dining room. 


It was pretty quiet in the dining room; there were only a couple of students sat in there, who were up early like me. Classes started at half 8, so most students preferred to get breakfast at 7. I got myself my usual coffee and a croissant before sitting with Gideon, who was sat alone. 'Hi Katherine.' He smiled. 'How was your Christmas?' 

'Shockingly quiet.' I sipped the hot coffee, allowing the searing heat to burn my tongue. 'How about you?' 

'It was alright, I guess.' He shrugged. 'I mostly had my father telling me what a waste of space I am and how I'll never make a good villain like him.' 

'Your father sounds horrible Gideon, don't listen to him.' I frowned. 

'I get where he's coming from, he just wants me to follow in his footsteps and not disappoint him.' 

'I understand that. My mother is the same, she can be really hard on me sometimes, but I do wish she would get off my case, I think she's worried I'll turn out like my father.' 

'Your father is Captain Hook, right?' 

'Yep.' I nodded. 'I feel like I get on with him more, but even he can be strict with me at times about becoming a villain. Who is your father anyway, Gideon?' 

'Gaston.' He grimaced. 

'You poor thing.' 

He laughed. 'I might just take your advice and ignore him. It's not that he's a villain, I really don't care, but he's opinionated, doesn't respect women, including my mother, and has an ego the size of a castle.' 

'He sounds delightful.' I muttered. 

Gideon excused himself to go collect his books for classes and I waved bye to him before I leaned back in my seat, drinking my coffee in peace. I spotted Sage walking in, but I ignored her. I was not in the mood for any crap today. 

'Miss Hook.' 

I sighed in annoyance, as Lady Lesso approached, sitting opposite me. If she just here to have a go at me again...

'Lady Lesso.' I nodded, wrapping my fingers around my coffee cup. 

'I wanted to apologise for yesterday.' She lowered her voice so nobody could overhear us. 

I raised an eyebrow, not speaking. Damned maturity. 

'I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. As you can probably understand, the room was filled with staff and students who would have heard us.' 

'It's fine.' I shrugged casually. 'I know.' 

'Well you don't, because I was already in a mood yesterday, and I admittedly took it out on the next available person, which was you.' She told me. 

'Forget about it.' I shook my head, already bored of the subject. 

'To be fair, I did try to tell you that we were surrounded by people, when I said try to be aware of your surroundings. I thought you would have guessed that I was trying to tell you that.' 

'Who could have guessed that?' I laughed, putting my coffee down. 'It just sounded like you were being really snarky with me.' 

She smirked. 'Sorry, love. Did I hurt your feelings?' 

'Me? Never.' I grinned. 

'How was your break?' She asked, picking my coffee up and drinking some. 

'Relaxing.' I nodded. 'Yours?' 

'Boring. I missed you.' 

'Should I be honoured?' I smiled. 

'Most people would be.' 

'Your ego needs to find somewhere else, there isn't room for it in this relationship.' I said without thinking. 

'Relationship, huh?' She laughed. 'I didn't know we'd reached the point of labels.' 

'Well I'd hate to think that what we're doing here is all for nothing.' I giggled, which was very unlike me. 

'Hmm, relationship. I like it.' She winked, before getting up. 'See you in class.' She said before leaving. 

I looked down at the table, smiling like an idiot. 

'What did Lady Lesso want?' 

I looked up at Sage, who was walking over. I reached for my knife hidden in my inside jacket pocket, in case she was planning on another surprise attack. 

'To talk to me about class today. Why is it any of your business?' I snapped. 

'Hey, I was just trying to make conversation.' She glared. 'You know, if you actually tried being nice for once, you'd see that I'm not your enemy.' 

I laughed. 'Sage, you started a fight with me because I killed a mouse and then stabbed me. I think that does make you my enemy.' 

'Oh please.' She rolled her eyes. 'We're Nevers. What did you really expect? Unicorn kisses and rainbow stickers?' 

'You also stole my best friend.' I reminded her. 

'Honestly, I don't know why Allegra turned on you, but that's nothing to do with me.' She responded. Weird, she actually sounded genuine. 'I thought you two had a fight or something.' 

'No.' I shook my head. 

'Well, I'm going to go, but just think about what I said. I'm not against you, Katherine. I was hoping we could use the rest of this year to start afresh.' She said before leaving. 

Okay, that was weird. I shook my head, finishing my coffee before heading out of the hall towards my first class with Professor Safer. 

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