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The next couple of months seemed to go by really quickly. My stab wound had healed but I now had a nasty scar in my side, so I was avoiding crop tops at the moment until I knew how to hide it with magic. I was catching on quick in my lessons too; they weren't too challenging since I'd already learned a lot from my parents. I was also hanging out a lot with the second year group, and when I wasn't, I was with Allegra, who seemed to be my new best friend in my year. I wasn't as close to her as I was with the group though, I didn't really tell her much, including the whole thing with Lady Lesso. I wasn't sure I could completely trust Allegra. 

Speaking of Lady Lesso, things hadn't improved much with us. She never spoke to me unless we were in class and she called on me. There were times when I was showing talent in class and she'd seemed impressed but then other times when I seemed to get on her nerves even when I wasn't doing anything wrong, and there was nothing but hostility between us. I was getting frustrated with it all. I'd assumed that what had happened over the summer and on my first day was forgotten about because when she wasn't calling on me in class and getting irritated with me, she pretty much ignored me. 

I couldn't stop thinking about her though. I kept thinking about both times she'd kissed me and I tried to make sense of it all, why would she do it if she wasn't interested? I scowled to myself. Why did I care? She was probably just trying to mess with my head and figure me out. Good luck with that. I was a closed book. Or so I thought. 

'Katherine? Are you listening?' Hester snapped her fingers in front of my face, interrupting my musing. 

'Oh, sorry.' I laughed. We were all sat together at dinner, me, Hester, Anadil, Hort and Dot. 'What were you just saying?' 

'I was saying, you should skip tomorrow morning's lesson with Professor Safer and hang out with us.' Hester continued. 

'Nope, I'm trying to keep my head down this year. Getting into trouble isn't on my list.' I shook my head. 

'Oh, you are so boring!' She groaned. 'What were just thinking about, anyway?' 

'Hm? Oh, nothing.' I shrugged, trying to appear casual. 

'Bet you were thinking about her, weren't you?' Dot grinned. 

'Who?' I asked in a bored tone. 

'Lady Lesso...' She laughed. 

'Nah.' I lied. 'I was actually thinking about the best way to turn Sage into a garden topiary.' I wasn't exactly lying about that part. Sage had been really getting on my nerves lately. Since the stabbing incident, she'd been trying to get a rise out of me by constantly making snarky comments. 

Hester cackled. 'Oh, I love you.' 

'You're blushing.' Anadil grinned. 'You were thinking about Lady Lesso, weren't you?' 

'Maybe...' I looked down at the table. 

'Damn it Katherine! You've so got a crush!' Dot giggled. 'Admit it!' 

'I so don't.' I scowled. I hated to secretly admit they were right. I spent a lot of time talking about her and when I wasn't, I was secretly hoping someone would bring her up in conversation so I could talk about her more. 

'You do, you're really blushing!' Dot pressed on. 'Just talk to her!' 

'And say what? She's the Dean for the school of Evil and my teacher, for god's sake.' I said sarcastically. 'There's boundaries.'

'If you're an Ever, yeah.' Hort added. 'You're evil, you can do what you want, screw the rules.' 

'Don't you encourage them, Hort.' I shook my head. 'It's for the best. I'm certain she's not even interested in me, anyway.' 

The Definition of Insanity | 𝐿𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝐿𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant