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I slowly awoke, screwing my eyes shut against the narrow beam of light filtering through the gap in the curtains, hitting me directly in the eyes. I eventually became aware that I wasn't in my dorm as memories of last night filled my head and I felt Lesso's arms around me. I sighed happily, breathing in her familiar scent of cinnamon and vanilla. I'd missed this so much, waking up in her arms. 

I wish I could stay there forever, but unfortunately, I didn't want people finding out about us straight away; we'd just gotten back together and I was too selfish to let people know about us at the moment. 

I carefully extricated myself from my girlfriend's arms, sitting up. Unfortunately I wasn't as cautious as I thought, because I felt her stir next to me. I quietly but swiftly got out of bed, grabbing my jeans and putting them back on. 

'Baby, come back to bed.' Leonora mumbled softly, looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. 

I smiled at the nickname. 'Everyone else will be getting up soon. I should probably get back to my dorm before my roommate wakes up and gets suspicious.' 

'I'll see you later?' She asked. 

'Of course.' I slipped my t-shirt on, before bending down to kiss her. 'I love you.' 

'I love you too, my beautiful Never.' 

I grinned, grabbing my leather jacket and boots before I left her room and headed back towards my dorm. 

Luckily I didn't run into any other students on my way, and I soon reached my dorm, discreetly opening the door and heading in. 

Sage was still in bed, snoring softly. I giggled quietly, as I dumped my jacket on my own bed and put my boots down on the floor. I grabbed some more clothes, about to get a shower, when I heard Sage stirring. I froze. 

'Katherine? You're back?' 

I turned, feigning ignorance. 'What do you mean, back? I never left, I've just woken up.' 

She narrowed her bleary eyes at me. 'What, you slept in your jeans and t-shirt from yesterday, did you? Katherine, I'm a lot of things, but I'm not naïve. You never returned last night, I was a bit concerned.' 

'Sorry.' I muttered, avoiding her eyes. 

'Where were you?' 

'You're as bad as my mother.' I rolled my eyes. 

'And you're being evasive.' She pointed out. Her eyes widened. 'Wait a second.' 

I waited. 

'You come back in, early in the morning, before everyone is awake, and you've still got bed hair.' She deduced. 'Were you with a certain someone who I've been rooting for you to get back with?' She asked excitedly. 

I sighed. 'I guess the cat's out of the bag already.' 

'Oh my god!' She squealed, jumping out of bed, all signs of sleepiness gone. 'My favourite couple is back together!' 

'Oh stop.' I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling. 'I blame you, you jinxed it.' 

'No need to thank me.' She winked and I laughed, heading into the bathroom to take a shower before getting ready for the day. I decided to keep it casual today and put on a black tank top with a deep V-neck, dark grey skinny jeans, combat boots, and a black jacket with a hood. I did my usual makeup, and kept my hair in its usual loose waves. 

'Sage, do me a favour, please.' I started as I laced up my boots. 

'What's that?' She looked over at me in the reflection of the mirror, halfway through applying her eyeliner. 

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