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When I came around, I was in my dorm, on my bed. Beatrix was sat near me, putting things back in her bag, and Gideon, Sage, Hester and Hort were all sitting around the room. I slowly sat up; my head was pounding. 'What the hell happened?' Hort and Hester rushed over, joining me on the bed. 

'Try not to move too much, I've put some magical healing balm on your arm and leg, the burns should completely heal within the next hour.' Beatrix instructed. 

'Katherine, how are you feeling?' Hester asked, a worried line encroaching on her forehead. 

'Like I got attacked by a load of fire creatures. Oh wait, I did.' I said slightly sarcastically. 'What happened?' 

'Allegra was forced to dispel the fire creatures, and Lesso dragged her out of class, we're assuming to the Doom Room. She cancelled the rest of class.' Sage explained. I was surprised Hester was in the same room as Sage without ripping her blonde locks out. 

'Right.' I nodded slowly. 

'Apparently Allegra could have actually killed you.' Hort said. 'It's lucky she backed off when she did.' 

'If Lady Lesso hadn't taken her to the Doom Room, I'd have buried an axe in her head myself.' Hester growled. I noticed with amusement, Sage edging away from Hester. 

'At least hopefully Allegra will back off now.' Gideon commented. 'Do you think you'll be up to coming to the next class?' 

I nodded. 'I should be. Thanks to Beatrix.' She smiled. 

'Well we've got lunch first, but we'll bring you something up here so you can heal up properly before our next class.' Sage offered. 

'Thanks Sage.' I said gratefully. 


After lunch, Hort, Hester and Beatrix went to their respective classes, whilst Gideon and Sage headed to Professor Yuba's class outside. The burns had mostly healed, but maybe a bit of fresh air would help. I decided to leave my leather jacket in my dorm and had changed my singed shirt for a dark red loose tank top with spaghetti straps. My jeans were also ruined because of that damn fire snake so I'd changed into some black shorts. It was lucky the weather was beautiful. 

Luckily the class consisted of us sat on benches outside taking notes on properties of dangerous plants and other dangers such as Sirens, etc. which was pretty straightforward and before I knew it, the hour had passed swiftly and we were packing up our books. 

Gideon kept up the conversation as we walked to our next class with Lesso. Sage said she was taking a detour before class, which I frowned in confusion at, but we carried on. 

We entered class, sitting in the back as per usual and I took my notebook out, jotting down a few extra notes from the last lesson. My hair kept getting in the way, so I tied it back in a messy knot. I suddenly noticed Professor Safer was at the front of the room, and for a second, I thought we'd walked into the wrong class. 

'Right, you lot, I'm covering this class today, so get your books out, you're only going to be taking down notes this hour!' He barked. I frowned. Where was Lesso? 

Sage rushed in, joining me and Gideon in the back. 'Hey Katherine, thought this would cheer you up a bit after nearly dying.' She handed me a paper bag, giving one to Gideon too.

I gave a look. 'Is this a trick?' 

'Idiot.' She rolled her eyes. 'It's chocolate.' 

I cautiously opened it, but she was right, it was chocolate. I grinned. 'Thanks mate.' 

So we spent the next hour taking notes occasionally and munching on chocolate. Professor Safer didn't seem to mind, as he just carried on the lesson, asking students questions every now and then and carried on droning. 

'Where's Lesso?' I whispered to Sage after a while. 

'The Doom Room, I think.' Sage said in a low tone. 

'Still?' I raised an eyebrow. She just gave a grim look and didn't say anything else. I narrowed my eyes, but she didn't elaborate. 


We soon left Manley's class, feeling thoroughly irritated and bored. It had been another class of just taking notes, I was getting hand cramps from writing so much, and I'd have complained if I hadn't had (another) near-death experience. 

We headed down a corridor where Hort, Hester, Beatrix, Dot and Anadil caught up with us. Hester was grinning and Anadil was laughing from something she'd said. 'What's up?' I asked. 

'I was just saying, Allegra certainly won't be bothering you again.' Hester cackled. 'The bitch is definitely getting what she deserves and hopefully more.' 

I frowned slightly. 'What are you talking about?' 

'Have you not heard?' Hort snickered. 'There's been horrific screams coming from the Doom Room all afternoon. People have heard it whilst walking down that corridor. We heard it ourselves about an hour ago. Usually you can't hear anything from outside that room, but no, it sounds pretty nasty.' 

My blood ran cold. 'What?' 

'Sounds like your girlfriend isn't letting her off easy. She must really be pissed at Allegra for hurting you.' Dot laughed. 

'Keep your voice down!' I hissed. 

'Girlfriend?' Gideon looked puzzled. I remembered he didn't know about me and Lesso; I'd never told him. 

'I'll explain when we get to the dining hall.' I muttered. 'Not here.' 

We soon reached the dining room and everyone got some food before heading to our usual spot in the room. I got myself a burger and some fries, but honestly I wasn't very hungry. In fact, I felt slightly nauseous, but I wasn't sure why. 

We sat down, Hester sat on my left and Sage on my right. Gideon was parallel to me. 'So what's this? Girlfriend?' He repeated questioningly. 

I sighed, and started explaining to him how me and Lesso had met last summer and everything that had happened since. 

'Are you not eating, Katherine?' Dot asked. 

'Nope.' I pushed my tray away. 'You guys finish it for me, if you like. Anyway, Gideon, where was I? Oh yeah, so a few months ago-' 

Sage nudged me in the ribs. 

'What?' I said, irritated at the interruption. She wasn't looking at me though. She nodded towards the other end of the hall. I turned. 

Lesso had come in and was talking to Professor Safer. She had blood on her white sleeves that were rolled up at the elbows, and there was a few streaks of blood on her forearms and wrists. I knew instantly whose blood it was. 

I quickly turned away, looking down at the table. What the hell had she done to Allegra?  

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