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'Katherine? Did you not hear me shouting?' Dad strolled into the kitchen, as I looked up from my book in annoyance. 

'Of course I heard you, father. I think the whole damn Enchanted forest heard you.' I rolled my eyes. 'What do you want, I'm busy. Also, it's rude to just enter my house without knocking first.' 

'You mean the house I bought you?' He shot back. 

'And my mother.' I reminded him, returning to my book. 'But she has the common courtesy to knock before entering.' 

'What are you doing, anyway?' He asked, changing the subject. 

'Trying to work out this waterproofing spell.' I muttered. 'It's annoying being dropped into that dirty water every time I have to return to that joke of a school.' 


'And I've only got about twenty minutes, so let me focus, please.' I narrowed my eyes. 

'I just came to drop off a late birthday gift from your mother.' He sighed, handing me a small parcel wrapped in silver paper. 

I raised an eyebrow.  'She already bought me a gift.' 

'Well she wanted you to have this.' 

I opened it in curiosity; it turned out to be a gothic looking silver ring with emerald stones glittering around it. 'A ring?' 

'It was once hers, and her mothers before that.' Dad explained. 'She said it'll help you refocus your powers or whatever.' 

I scowled. 'I don't need help with my powers.' 

'Katherine, she's been worried-'

'Dad!' I said loudly. 'Can you not? She's not worried about me, she just knows I'm never going to be like her.' I scoffed, but put the ring on, nevertheless. 'Tell mum I said thanks. I've got ten minutes, so I should get walking.' 

'Do you need help with your suitcase?' 

'Nope.' I picked up my suitcase and made sure my sword was secure in its holster. 'Just please give my keys to Hort; I'm trusting him to look after the place while I'm not here.' I handed him my house keys. 

'Trust Hort, really?' He laughed. 

I narrowed my eyes. 'Bye father.' 

He said goodbye before I made sure I had everything with me and left my house, heading to the familiar clearing. It wasn't long before I was picked up by the giant skeletal bird and was carried high above the clouds, away from my home. 

It wasn't long before we reached the familiar castles, and I quickly muttered the spell I'd been revising before the stupid bird released me over the water and I dropped into it. 

At once, I felt a warm air envelope me instead of cold water, as I heard the booming splashes of other students dropping around me. I quickly waded out of the murky water and I looked down to be satisfied that my spell had worked. I was still completely dry and warm. 

I headed into the entrance hall, which was crowded with students. I regarded them contemptuously. Their style hadn't improved much this year, I noted, looking down at my own outfit, which consisted of dark skinny jeans, knee high boots, a black semi-transparent chiffon shirt with a leather corset over it and the ring my mother had given me. 

'Katherine?' Sage stood in front of me. Her blonde hair was lighter than I'd ever seen it; I was shocked it didn't burn my retinas. She also looked gorgeous in a black dress with lace detail and she'd really amped it up with the eyeliner. 

'Sage.' I smiled slightly. 'Lovely to see you again.' 

'You too, you look amazing!' She grinned. 'You cut your hair?' 

'Aye, it's better this way, I think.' I nodded. 'Hester actually cut it for me.' 

'How are the others?' She asked. 

'Yeah, they're all good. Hort is looking after my house while I'm stuck here.' I told her. 

'You know he's probably going to trash the place, right?' She side-eyed me. 

'I've told him that if he does, I'll stick my sword in his carotid artery.' 

Sage stared at me for a moment. 'You seem different.' 

I narrowed my eyes. 

'I mean a good different!' She added quickly. 'You definitely look well.' 

'Thank you.' I shrugged. 'My parent's always told me that emotions equal weakness and it's about time I listened.' 

'Good, I'm glad.' She grinned. 

'Attention!' An annoyingly familiar voice yelled, and a shiver ran down my spine. 'Attention, future evil!' 

The students all gathered the other side of the hall. Me and Sage joined them. 

A couple of students made a space for me and Sage to stand. I looked up and straight into the ice blue eyes I once loved so much. She hadn't noticed me yet. 

'If you'd care to open your tiny, bloodshot eyes, you'll find your class schedules and dormitories around the hall. It'd do you well to memorise both.' She paused for dramatic effect. 'Make me proud.' 

She then left without another word. The students all started looking for their schedules and dorm numbers. Gideon suddenly came over. 'Katherine! Sage!' He greeted enthusiastically. 

'Hi Gideon.' I replied. 

'Gideon, how's it going?' Sage grinned. 

'Great thanks.' He smiled. 'Katherine, you're shaking.' 

'I'm fine.' I shook my head, keeping my expression impassive, as Sage turned to look at me, worried. 

'Shall we find our schedules and dorms?' He asked. We agreed, so we had a look and Sage was delighted to see she was rooming with me. I wasn't too thrilled because I was hoping I had a room to myself this year, but Sage was still someone I considered a friend, so it wouldn't be so bad, as opposed to if I was staying with a classmate I didn't talk to.

Sage suggested we go and drop our stuff in our dorm whilst the first-year students got ready for initiation. I agreed, so we headed off to our dorm which I was luckily in a secluded part of the castle and was cosy enough with 2 king-sized beds, a shared bathroom and separate closets, etc. 

I kicked my boots off, throwing myself onto the bed furthest away from the window, claiming it as my own. 

Gideon soon came up to our dorm after locating his. 'Guys, have you seen the new School-Master?' 

'No, why?' I asked, as we turned to look at him. 

'He's quite young, for a School-Master and has rather devilish good looks about him.' Gideon made it no secret that he now batted for both teams. 

'Hmm, tell me more.' Sage grinned, as I very obviously rolled my eyes. 

'Dark hair, chiselled jaw, angel eyes.' He sighed. Sage sighed too. 

I shook my head. 'And he's the School-Master, so off limits.' 

'You dated Lady Lesso.' Sage reminded me. 

I stiffened. 

'Shit sorry, Katherine, I didn't mean to-'

'Which was one of the biggest mistakes I made.' I responded coolly, keeping my voice level. 'Don't ever throw that in my face again.' 

'Sorry.' She said quietly. 

'It's fine.' I shrugged. 'Shall we go grab some lunch and then head back up here and chill for the rest of the day?' 

'Sounds like a plan.' Gideon nodded, so we all headed down to the dining hall. 

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