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I left Yuba's class, sloping back up to the castle. I was tempted to skip the rest of the day, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Lesso would kill me, whether she was my girlfriend or not. I smiled to myself. Girlfriend. It sounded better than I thought in my head. I might as well start using that terminology since I'd already said relationship in front of her and she didn't seem to mind. 

I headed up to my next class, taking my usual seat at the back as everyone else started walking in. Lesso was leaning against the front of her desk as always, and when we made eye-contact, she smirked. I smiled, looking down at my desk. 

I looked up, and apparently just in time to see a dagger flying towards me, right at my head and I ducked, as it hit the wall behind me and lodged itself in the wall. 


I lifted my head up to see Allegra looking irritated. 

'What the hell, Allegra!' I yelled. 'That could have hit me!' 

'That was the whole point.' She rolled her eyes. 'Shame it didn't.' 

I swiftly pulled the dagger out of the wall, flinging it back at her and she caught it, but she caught the blade, causing her to drop it and cry out in pain as blood started dripping from her hand. 

'Whoops.' I smirked. 

She looked like she was going to retaliate, but decided against it, heading to her desk whilst cradling her bleeding hand. 

I leaned back in my seat, glaring at the back at her head as Lesso started class. I'd pretty much accepted at this point that she had a mysterious vendetta against me, but I wasn't in the mood anymore to figure out why. She needed to get over it, whatever it was, and back off. My patience only went so far, and it was a matter of time before I snapped and lost my temper with her. And she did not want to see that. I wasn't a very nice person when I was properly angry. 


The couple of hours passed by pretty quickly before I was heading for dinner with the usual group. This time, Beatrix accompanied us as she was with Hester. They were talking about the parents meeting day that was coming up in a few months, which I'd forgotten all about. Parents would be coming to the school, which I wasn't looking forward to, to be honest. I knew my parent's disapproved of the new regime around here with Evers and Nevers mixing and unfortunately, they were very vocal when they didn't like something. 

'You looking forward to seeing dad, Hort?' I asked him. 

'Meh. I barely see him.' He shrugged. 'He'll probably be wanting to hear how I'm getting on.' 

'Yeah. He did talk about you over the holidays, since I confronted him about us being siblings.' I nodded. 'He will be wanting to talk to you, I reckon.' 

'Oh, joy.' He responded sarcastically. 

We soon reached the dining hall, sitting in our usual spot. 'What happened to Allegra?' Hester asked, motioning to Allegra across the hall who had her hand wrapped up in bandages. 

'The stupid bitch tried to throw a dagger at me during class, so I gave her a taste of her own poison.' I glowered. 

'Was she the one who stabbed you at the start of the year?' Beatrix asked. 

'No, that was Sage.' I shook my head. 'She's strangely trying to be nice to me now.' 

'Do you think it's a ruse?' Dot frowned. 

'I don't know. She seemed really genuine when she said she wanted us to start afresh.' I shrugged. 'I don't trust it, though. I don't know if I believe she just had a change of heart.' 

'Some people can really surprise you though.' Beatrix added lightly. 

I smiled to myself, thinking of Lesso. Okay, good point. 

'Wait, so that bitch is suddenly trying to be your bestie, and Allegra is attacking you?' Hester gave a funny look. 

'Yeah, pretty much.' 

'Can I kill them both?' 

I raised an eyebrow at her. 

'Sorry, I get antsy, when I don't know who I should hate.' She grimaced. 

'I mean to be fair, Sage did still stab Katherine.' Anadil piped up. 'I think she deserves payback.' 

'Guys, let's not get violent right now.' I said. 'Unless they really do something crazy, then yeah, we've got an excuse.' 

'Smart.' Hort nodded. 'Wait for them to make the first move.' 

I laughed, shaking my head. 

The conversation turned to lighter topics, before we all finished up and headed off to our respective dorms, turning in for the night. 

I headed up to mine, feeling kind of thankful that I had a room all to myself because I'd been around people all day and I needed some quiet and to wind down properly. 

I had a quick shower,  before changing into a matching black satin pair of shorts and tank top for bed, and put my hair in a messy knot at the back. I wiped all my makeup off and jumped into bed, magically conjuring up some starry lights onto the ceiling. 

There was a knock at my door, and I frowned. Who the hell was calling at this time?

 'Yes?' I yelled in annoyance, sitting up. No doubt one of the group come to irritate me. 

'Hey.' Lesso came in. She was wearing just her usual smart trousers and white shirt with the top buttons undone and sleeves rolled up. 

'What are you doing here?' I smiled. 

'To slay a dragon. What do you think?' She said sarcastically. 

'Oh, alright then.' I responded in a snarky tone. 

'Don't get sarcastic with me, Hook.' She lifted my chin, kissing me. 

'You started it.' I grinned. 

She slipped her trousers off, just leaving her shirt on and slipped into bed with me. 'God, I missed you.' 

'It was only a couple of weeks.' I reminded her. 

'It felt like a lifetime.' She murmured,  kissing me again. 

'God knows how you're going to cope over the summer, then.' 

'I was thinking I could come and see you over the summer.' 

'Is that so?' I smiled. 'It's a good thing I've got my own place now then.' 

'You do? You never mentioned that.' 

'Aye. My parents bought me a house for my birthday, so I've got the place to myself next summer.' I told her. 

'Hmm sounds perfect.' She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close. 

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