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The Christmas period rolled around quickly, as the weather slowly grew colder until it was pretty arctic within the castle walls. Luckily I knew a heating spell so a warm air surrounded me whilst I was sat in classes, otherwise any other time, I'd be tightly wrapped in blankets in my dorm. 

The past few weeks since the Nevers and Evers ball, things had been really busy. Our teachers were working us twice as hard, as we had a few assessments coming up after Christmas and it was around the time we'd also be choosing our specialised subject for next year. Hester and Beatrix had begun dating and even though everyone thought it was really odd, a Never and an Ever dating, they let it slide luckily because of the school reform. Apparently it wasn't the first time this happened. That reader from last year, Sophie had dated Tedros for a short time before he realised what a shallow psychopath she was. 

Me and Lesso were still seeing each other in secret and there was times when she made a habit of sneaking up to my dorm to stay the night with me. Things seemed to be going great with us and it made me very happy. I never thought I'd feel so strongly about someone, but I wasn't completely incapable of emotions, otherwise I'd have no friends. 


I carried my suitcase outside and onto the bridge linking the schools, where we were going to be picked up by the skeletal birds to go home. I'd already said my goodbyes to my friends and Lesso. I was going to miss her over the holidays but she promised she'd give us a day to ourselves once I was back. I hoped she meant outside of the school or something because I was tired of all the sneaking around. 

Eventually a bird swooped in, grabbing me by the shoulders and lifted me into the air, transporting me home. The journey back seemed quicker than the journey to the school at the start of the year. 

I soon arrived in the woods near my parents home and luckily the bird set me down on the ground gently this time instead of just tossing me into a body of water. 

I adjusted my suitcase in my hand before setting off to my parent's. I was looking forward to seeing my parents and telling them everything about what happened so far. I decided I'd leave out the part where I was dating the Dean for the school of Evil, I had a feeling they wouldn't be impressed. But then, I wasn't impressed with my father for not telling me I had a brother. I was looking forward to that particular conversation. 

I soon arrived at my Parents, walking straight in. My mother was sat in the kitchen with a coffee in front of her. She looked up when I entered. 'Katherine, darling.' She smiled. 'Sit down and tell me everything.' 

'I'm having a coffee first.' I set my suitcase down, before preparing myself a coffee. 'Well they're certainly very meticulous in training us as villains.' 

'Good, that's what I want to hear.' She nodded. I took my coffee over and sat opposite her. 

'I unlocked my magic fully with a finger-glow.' I showed her. 'And I made a few friends.' 

'As long as they're not prissy princesses, I don't care.' 

'Thanks a lot mum.' I rolled my eyes. 'Where's dad?' 

'On his ship, he'll be with us soon.' 

'Good, I've got a bone to pick with him.' I nodded. 

She frowned, obviously picking up on my demeanour. 'What's going on?' 

'Wait until dad gets here.' I shook my head. 

'Present!' Dad strolled in, 'Why wait until I get here? What's up?' 

I cut straight to the chase. 'Why didn't you tell me I have a brother?' 

My dad chose the wrong time to drink some coffee because he nearly choked on it. 'W-what?' He coughed. 

Mum looked perplexed. 'I think I'd know if I had another child with your father.' 

'No, not you.' I said impatiently. 'He's my half-brother, my dad had a child with another woman.' 

Dad suddenly looked very uncomfortable. 'Katherine, I was going to tell you-' 

'When exactly were you going to tell me?' I glared. 'I'm 18, dad! You've had loads of opportunities to tell me!' 

'I didn't think it was a huge deal!' 

'It would have been nice to know I wasn't an only child.' I said sarcastically. 

'So you've met Hort.' Dad sighed, sitting down. 'To be honest, I completely forgot he went to that school.' 

'That's nice, forgetting about your own son.' I raised an eyebrow. 

'Of course not. But I barely see him.' He shook his head. 'Not since his mother told me to stay well away.' 

'I can't think why.' My mum said snarkily, sipping her coffee. 

'Do you ever take a day off?' Dad threw her a look. She merely looked smug. 

I sighed. 'It just would have been good to know beforehand that I actually had a brother. I was really confused when he told me he was Captain Hook's son.' 

'Yeah, sorry about that.' Dad looked slightly sheepish. 'I take it you two get on well, then?' 

'Like a house on fire.' I crossed my arms, still in a stubborn mood. 'I also hang out with his group.'

Eventually my mood mellowed out and I gave my parents a detailed account of what had happened since I'd started at the school. I kept quiet about me and Lady Lesso though. I also decided not say anything about one of my friends dating an Ever, because I'd helped them get together. My mum would flip. She'd start accusing me of going soft. 

Maybe I was. 

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