Chapter that a big kitty?! (AntiVoid)

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Sun tries to be strong but fails, now having an entirely new goal in mind.
Iris is stressed and just wants the babybones to listen to his ideas (he fails of course).



" not strong enough for this! I truly thought I had better control than this...."


"I am not overreacting! Just look at them! How could anyone even think to hurt such cuteness. The omniverse is testing me and I am losing! I feel so weak "


" this the Devils work? This must have been what the villagers always warned me about. I should have taken their teachings more serious, as now it coming to bite me in the-"

" Meow?!"

Sun gasped at Iris's near blasphemous words, thinking they were just jealous he found something that greatly outstripped their cuteness. His hands shook as he took out his phone and sneakily snapped a picture of the currently sleeping monster, sending it to Core with many help signs.

How could he enact his plan now?!

He didnt have the heart to use his usual methods, silently gasping when he heard the being purr .

Was there nothing they could do, which wasn't amazing?!

He reluctantly looked away from the napping monster when his phone buzzed, grateful that at least Core sympathised with his struggles and paused when he read their suggestion to 'befriend' this new monster.

Now, while this might seem all well and good, Sun was honest with himself and admitted he had very little knowledge on actually trying to be friends with someone. Core didnt count, as that had been a complete accident and Core just blended with his personality so well.

He felt he would have far more challenges with this new monster, his Code already working against him and making this 'befriending' business so much harder. He was kind of hoping he was corrupted enough that it wouldn't affect his new potential friend, ignoring Iris' screech of outrage, guessing he must have been mumbling out loud.

"Look, if my Code is breaking down and ruining my life i should at least get some benefits out of this"

He thought it was quite logical really, as it wasnt like being depressed about it all the time would change his situation.

Stalker had really messed up, severely judging their skills in Code editing and feeling the familiar wrath about to bubble up but was once again distracted when he realised the monster was waking up.

He really hoped this went well, not even caring about his original plan of leaving the AntiVoid, now just wanting to make a new friend.

He really hoped this worked...although, he wondered why this part of the AntiVoid felt so loud.

Was it broken..?


Wake up! You've been sleeping for way too long

You have a job! Try and not be useless for once

Are they dead? They haven't moves in a while

They better not be. She will not be pleased if they are

Error woke up from his nap ignoring the Voices as usual , feeling much better and frankly surprised he hadnt been disturbed by any of the idiots he was forced to deal with.

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