Chapter 35- Playing with Dream is fun! (UnderVerse)

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Sun is having a blast! Who knew messing with Guardians could be so much fun~



Sun stiffened at the emotions that bombarded him as they got through the portal, deciding it was best to hide in his current servant's scarf. He was more than happy to stay here and only poked out his head when he felt things start to quieten down.

His tail thrashed with displeasure at how boring this was, only settling down when Ink rested their hand on his back, lightly petting him. If only all Inks were like this!

..He guessed it wasn't all terrible though. While mostly hidden in Inks scarf he could still clearly hear everyone else and it was fun to add some of his own comments every now and then, even if only he got to enjoy them.

"Ink. We have an issue with UnderFell 63, it seems that the Destroyer might have there eye on it"

'Probably for a good reason. Your clothing sense is terrible! Why so much black?! Have you ever heard of colour?'

"-Swap Sans 34 looks like he might become a new AU type, so we should expect more of those"

'A Blue? How interesting. The usual ones were so loud, hopefully this one will be more fun..i wonder, whatever happened to that fun Blue..?'

"Ink! When are you going to get round to fixing the damage in AU234? It's been like that for months!"

' You are even whinier than the Creator. Also, expecting an Ink to do anything right? Are you stupid?..what am i saying of course you are. Just look at y-'

"Shh! I'm trying to listen"

Sun was alarmed at the voice before curiosity took over. Looking over at the Dream sitting next to Ink, he stared at them in puzzlement.

'..can you understand me?'

"Of course. Why wo-hey! What are you doing?!"

Sun wiggled out of Inks scarf to jump onto Dreams lap, pleased when they kept their hands to themselves. He stood on his hind legs and rested his paws on their chest to look at them closer, wondering how this was possible. Was this a Guardian thing?

'How would you feel at becoming servant number 2? It's annoying when no.1 doesn't do what i want straight away"

This Dream didn't even look crazy, which was a massive positive in his books!

"Servant?..i'm pretty sure Ink thinks you are his pet"

'What? Of course he doesn't! No one owns cats'

" are wearing his mark around your neck"

'Merely proof he is mine!'

Dream felt like he was getting a headache and going by the looks from the monsters around him, he looked rather insane arguing with a 'cat'. Going by the amused feelings coming off the 'cat' he was pretty sure they knew this too. He was about to argue more but gasped as some of his positivity was taken from him, looking at the animal with more wariness.

How Ink got into these sorts of situations baffled Dream, watching in shock as Ink suddenly grabbed the 'cat' gushing over how good 'Goldy' was being.

.. this was who 'Goldy' was? He thought they were talking about an actual monster they were trying to befriend, considering how they talked about them...the scratches he had seen on their bones lately suddenly made so much more sense.

He decided to follow Ink back home, to keep an eye on the 'cat', managing to corner them in order to get more answers from them.

"You are not a normal cat. What are you? feel like me"

'I am not like you! I prefer being referred to as a Parasite at the moment'

Dream looked at Goldy in disbelief, pointing out he could feel emotions clearly from then unlike Fresh. This felt similar to the power his brother had to shift, which they rarely used as they preferred using their tentacles to deal with anyone.

'When I'm bigger Fresh has promised to show me how to eat SOULS. I'm kind of looking forward to it. Sounds exciting!'

Dream started sweating at this news, deciding he was definitely staying longer to fully stop that from happening. Whatever 'Goldy' was, he was sure he could convince them. He could deal with Ink, how hard would it be to deal with them?


It had been a day and Dream felt exhausted. The tiny golden devil had to be doing this on purpose and they didn't even look guilty when he accused them of it!

They had to be even more shameless than Ink!...why did he suddenly feel a shiver crawl down his spine?

He did manage to figure out that they could change forms and was so far miserably failing to convince them to do so. He had no idea what they actually looked like and he was never able to CHECK them, as they somehow avoided his magic every.time.he.tried!

This had to be worse than when he had to teach Ink what personal space was!

"Please Goldy. Surely this can't be comfortable to stay in this shape for so long"

Sun was having great fun with this Guardian, who seemed determined to 'help' him. He was sure he was close to making them cry and his tail swished in amusement at the thought.

He was currently lounging around servants 1 neck like a scarf, feeling rather smug when Ink started to stroke him while they were painting. His training had gone so well.

Such a useful protector~.

It was even funnier having Dream here, as Ink was convinced that Dream was going insane, which he was more than happy to encourage by acting like a normal cat when Ink was around...not like the Creator seemed to know what 'normal' was. Sun knew his eye colour was odd, so how had Ink not noticed?

...His servant might be stupid but that only worked for him.

"Dream! Stop being mean to Goldy! They are sensitive"

"Sensitive?! Look at what they did to my clothes!"

"Aren't they creative? They suit me so well. It must have been fate we found each other"

Sun basked in the screams of frustration coming from Dream, purring as his servant pet him. Yes, this really was fun~.


*Ink covered in scratches, looking like he has been to war*

Ink: Isn't my new cat cute? So affectionate! Want to pet them?

'Goldy': *Flashing their claws, daring them to try*

Dream:..I'm good thanks
Dream: *Ripped clothes and manic look in their eye* I'm not crazy! It's Goldys fault!

*'Goldy' rolling on their back, purring innocently when Ink looks at them*

Ink:..look Dream, there is no need to lie. It's ok if you just wanted to spend more time with me. There is no need to make excuses

Dream: *Screams of frustration*

'Goldy': *Smug purring intensifies*

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