Chapter 37- The defective Creator (FGOC Multiverse)

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404 continues his search for his child with little luck.

Sun thought this new place was great!..that was until he met another Creator. They always have to ruin everything.

(I was asked for a Stalker pov so here you go~)


A Stalkers interlude

404 had lost count on the number of multiverses he had searched through, destroying them once he was done with them in his rage. It had been weeks since his innocent little child had been taken and he knew they had to be so frightened without him nearby!

His search was frantic and he reached so many dead ends, growing increasingly alarmed at who was able to hide his child from him.

"Look man. Maybe they just ran away? You can always get a new ki-"

404 dusted the pathetic Underfell monster, sneering at the drivel they spewed out. 'Replace' his sunshine? What utter nonsense. As if he would ever do that.

All the monsters he questioned so far were just as useless, so of course he had to dispose of them. He was practically doing a service of removing the trash, not wanting things like that near his child.

He was very thankful he had changed his childs Code now, comforted by knowing they would at least survive most situations now but he was still on edge.

Were they warm? Sleeping ok? How were they eating?!....he glowered darkly at the thought of anyone feeding his child magic, grinning widely at how he would deal with that issue.

He would find his child and he refused to let go this time. Who knew what dangerous monster could whisk them away next?


FGOC Multiverse

Sun felt a shiver go through him, looking around warily to what could be the cause. His fur bristled in unease but he soon settled down, when he couldn't sense anything odd, sighing at the new situation he had found himself in.

Sun had no clue where he was and was very unhappy about this fact.

Nothing looked familiar to him but considering it was a forest, that was to be expected. They all looked the same after a certain point anyway.

His tail swished in annoyance, knowing he was going to have to switch back to his skeleton form. He might like being a cat but currently everything was far too large for him and it was taking too long to find anything of interest.

In his next step he shifted, stretching his body to get used to only two legs again. He was really missing servant 1 right now, as they were such a useful transport..

Sighing in annoyance at a Guardian ruining his fun yet again he continued on, pleased but equally annoyed he sensed no one nearby. How was he supposed to find a new servant now?!


Dream had been relaxing, enjoying the small amount of free time he ever got. With his brother constantly corrupting AU's and then Error destroying them, it was a miracle he hadn't dusted from overwork yet.

It was also rather enjoyable spending some time away from Ink. He did like Ink!..but sometimes they could get way too much for him.

It had been rather unexpected when Ink had created an AU, just for him to use whenever he wished. It had no living beings in it but he was so thankful for the unexpected gift.

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