Chapter 66- Stupidity and creepy bonding.. (Shattered multiverse)

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Sun feels his self control is being tested by watching all of this stupidity and his opinion of his co-Guardian just keeps plummeting.


Shattered Multiverese

Sun severely pitied his past self, their pure naivety in thinking that life would one day get better and surely couldn't get any worse then it was.

He was sadly living proof that it could .

His eye twitched in sheer irritation as he watched the train wreck occuring in front of him, unsure what god he had crossed to ever deserve this. He couldn't even enjoy the sheer chaos as his body was also being annoying, demanding food one second and a nap, the next.

" You really do cause chaos wherever you go, don't you, little apple? So very entertaining "

He blatantly ignored Shattered, unsure when they had turned up or why the FUNK they were even holding him! Last he remembered his co-Guardian had thrown them in some random AU, so why did he have to deal with them again?!

He scowled darkly at how useless his counterpart was being, just standing there and acting as if this was all normal, sighing at how even Iris was casually grooming themselves as they lay nearby.

This situation was such a pain, feeling he was getting all the bad luck lately.

..although, it looked like stalker was really close to dusting Blot and he wouldn't say no to witnessing that . He was calculating whether he could throw his co-Guardian in there as well, convinced it would only take a few words to push everyone over.

He hissed when a dark golden tentacle tapped his face also blocking his view of the wonderful carnage , sighing when they insisted on feeding him and annoyingly got the attention of his stupid counterpart and even beckoned them over.

It was extremely creepy in his books at how well Shattered and his co-Guardian were getting along, as seeing the two corrupted monsters standing amiable together made him want to take a very long nap and wait for this to all to be over.

" C'mon. You need to accept my magic, little brother "

He grimaced in distaste at the title, his gaze near arctic when he stared at his counterpart, smirking when they flinched back before quickly apologising to him.

At least someone around here was starting to behave as he wanted, ignoring the fighting that was still going on behind them.

"Stay still so I can dust you!'

"Who would ever do that?! You are insane! Worse than Error!"

"At least i'm not a half baked Creator"

" Excuse me?!

" You are excused. Now die!"

"This is all super unrad bros. You both need to chill out and relax-"

"Shut up, Fresh! Dont think i don't remember who started this all you FUNKIN SHITAKE-"

It sounded like stalker was having fun at least, looking blankly up at Shattered when they tried to scold him for his behaviour towards his counterpart. He felt they had no room to judge, considering what he read about what generally happened in these sorts of multiverses.

He quietly scoffed when they continued lecturing him, happily tuning them out.

Dreams. They were all just as judgemental in some ways, no matter how different they were on the outside or how they said they were 'changed'. He was almost glad he had some Fresh Coding, grimacing at the mere idea of ever being like that .

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