Chapter 8- Oh, It's you (New Multiverse)

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Sun gets more comfortable with this Nightmare....until Dream ruins it


New Multiverse

Sun liked his new phone and it made searching up things so much quicker, than looking through books. While he could read much better now he was still slower then he would like, but thanks to Nightmares lessons he found out the phone could speak the words for him! Maybe this new place wasn't so bad after all.

He only had one number in the phone and that was connected to Nightmare. He got daily messages from the other and he reluctantly replied, as a thanks for gifting him the item in question. He found them tolerable and it was much easier talking by phone, when he couldn't see their similarities to his co-Guardian.

He even deigned to talk to them more, when they sat out the fights, which seemed to be getting more frequent.

Now Sun didn't consider himself a genius but he could clearly tell that the other wanted something from him. He saw no other reason why they were being so 'nice' to him.

The phone also let him track time easier and he snarled when he realised that time was going much slower, when he was in the Doodle Sphere. No wonder it felt like an eternity when he was with Ink, it probably was!

His thoughts darkened as he planned numerous ways to get back at the Creator.


Today was a good day as Ink had left in a hurry and even 'allowed' him to stay alone at home. Sun of course ignored that instruction to stay and immediately wandered off.

He was currently in a random AU, that he was sure would take Ink a while to find him. He had of course hid his new item from the other, using his inventory, as Ink 2.0 seemed rather upset when he received items from others.

He was getting rather irritated at all the things that he had to learn by himself but it was amusing how others underestimate him due to him being a 'child'. He was unsure why others treated him as if he couldn't understand them, but was more than happy to play into it.

Sun was currently trying to summon a bow, as from the chats he had with Nightmare, that is the weapon the other Dream used most. He didn't really like the idea of a bow but had no idea what else he could make, so messing about was the best option. He wondered if he could make some claws instead?

He froze when he spotted a portal starting to appear but relaxed when it wasn't Ink 2.0 who came out of it. When the monster turned towards him he couldn't help but burst out laughing, at how they looked.

"What happened to y-you D-D-Dream?"

He tried to say that with a straight face but their emotions, combined with their look was just hilarious. They looked more like a hobo than the so-called 'Positivity Guardian'. His amusement fled when they placed their hands on his shoulders and started shaking him rather roughly.

"HOW?! How did you deal with that psycho?! He chased me through every AU I went to. I haven't slept in weeks!"

He felt a smidge of pity for them but not enough to allow this continued contact. He stepped back and was easily let go. Looking them over he saw a lot of dust and bone marrow on them....did his Ink finally snap? He was surprised it took them this long.

"Where is Blue?...also, how did you manage to escape?"

It was a tad rude how they ignored his question but the way their emotions were swirling was impressive. He watched in disbelief as Dream started muttering about 'paints' and 'too many eyes', while crouching on the ground.

He was astonished that Ink managed to push Dream over the edge, in just a few months. That took some dedication right there.

He started fidgeting as the minutes went by and was about to open a portal to another AU. Their aura was getting annoying to be around and he hoped that Ink 2.0 would sense them and take Dream instead of him.

Sadly his plan was derailed by a rather sinister portal opening underneath him. Acting quick he grabbed Dream and placed them in front of him as an emergency shield. The landing was thankfully smooth, even with the new dead weight.

He might not like being short but in this case it was rather useful.

" Sun...why is Dream with you? "

He peaked out from behind the still muttering monster and was relieved it was just Nightmare who grabbed him. He had never sensed hostile intentions from them, so was unworried at being with them.

"He finally broke free from my Ink....oh no. He has led him straight to me!"

He bet there were trackers on Dream knowing how...unhinged Ink could be. Why did they have to be obsessed over him? Why not Nightmare, who was also a Guardian?

Maybe there was a variant he could use as bait. Now how do you travel to other multiverses..

" Don't worry. I can easily solve this "

Sun glanced over in confusion but watched as Nightmare used a tentacle to throw Dream through a portal and then closed it straight after. He tensed when another tentacle came towards him and started pushing his back, towards a rather large castle. He relented only when he was promised that this AU was hidden from the Creator.

Nightmare was smug at having Sun in his home and made sure not to touch the other, unless it was with his tentacles. They seemed much more comfortable with them then his hands and his thoughts wandered to what their counterpart was like, to elicit this reaction.

He was a tad annoyed that Dream had been in his AU but hoped the 'trip' he sent them on would keep them distracted, from remembering where they had been. He hated having to move, especially when he had just settled in.


Sun quite liked this place, even if it was rather dark and gloomy. The library was his favourite place though and had the bonus of being the quietest spot.

It was weird that he kept spotting Nightmare staring at him when he was reading but whenever he acknowledged it, the other pretended nothing was going on. He was a tad confused that he could sense joy paired with aggression, whenever they saw him.....Should he expect to be attacked some time in the future?

Nightmare had given him a rather nice room and he had even met the others who lived here. He rarely used his room and his socialisation metre was maxed out, so he pretty much ignored everyone.

The library was his new home now and he refused to leave it anytime soon. Ink 2.0 had been way too intense lately and he needed a chance to have some peace.

He was oddly enough given fresh plates of food everyday, even when he didn't touch them. It seemed like a waste to him but Nightmare stated it made Horror feel happier, knowing he was given the option. Sun shrugged off this strange habit and happily left it at that.

He smiled while gazing outside a window, at the thought of Dream attracting Inks attention. He was sure he could get used to this place with enough time.


Of course all good things have to end and that happened when he left to walk around the castle. He had just been about to head back when a hand stopped him and pushed him against a tree, before fully restraining him.

He shivered at seeing Dream in front of him, especially with the tight grip they had on his arms.

"SUN! I found you! Don't worry. I'll make sure no one can find you"

Sun stared at Dream in slight terror, wishing that Nightmare was nearby. The words might have sounded reassuring, if it wasn't for the crazed glint in the others' eyelights and the way their hands were twitching on his arms.

He fully blamed Ink for this whole situation.


Dream: *Incoherent babbling and crying*

Sun: Can you do this somewhere else? You are kind of loud
Nightmare: I need to play this cool to convince them to join my side

*Eerily stares and stalks Sun*

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