Chapter 6- Maybe not all Nightmares are bad (New Multiverse)

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Sun gets a new outfit and meets the Bad Sans


New Multiverse

While annoyed with Ink 2.0, they did end up being useful in the end. They happily demonstrated making portals many times and conceded to his demands; to repeat the process in different ways. Being a soulless being did seem to make them more patient... or he was just used to dealing with Nightmare.

When he could consistently form his portals he noticed how wonky they looked but he could still easily walk through them. Now the issue was he had no idea where he was or how to get back to his Ink...or if he even wanted to.

He really did just make a deal with the Devil. He was almost in awe of their genius, if he didn't have to deal with the consequences.

"Why won't this come off?!"

He had been listening to this repeated comment, for what seemed hours. Ink almost seemed offended how his scarf was not adhering to his demands.

When they finally stopped trying to take it off, he was given new clothes and he was deeply thankful for them, as he did not want to look like his smiley variant.

The black trousers he was given he approved of, it was the white and gold striped shirt that he did not.

"I'm not wearing it. I'm already stuck with the scarf i refuse to wear this too"

"But Sun. It will match nicely. Also, there is nothing else, so...."

What a liar. The other was a damn Creator. He had just watched them make his outfit!

"Fine...I'm going bare then. Not like i care"

He had no sense of modesty but knew that saying he was unwilling to wear Inks clothes, would grate on them. It was amazing how soon after there was 'magically' another shirt for him to wear. The new item was white with a golden star on the chest, which was much better then the striped item.. He hummed in approval, gracing the new Ink with a smile.

"Acceptable. Such a good boy~"

It was slightly mocking but it was the best his new kidnapper was getting from him. He suddenly stopped in his movement when Inks skull snapped to the right and soon after threw ink on the ground.

He knew what that meant and grimaced in distaste. He braced himself and swiftly found himself in their arms and through the puddle, ending up in a rather dreary place.

"Where have we ended up now?"

"This is an UnderFell AU. I need to stop the Bad Sans from tainting the story!"

"Cool..i'm not helping by the way"

"Of course not! I can't have my little brother in danger!"

He let Inks' delusion lie and was placed on a nearby rock, before watching Ink straight after, attack a group of skeleton monsters that were nearby. It was rather dramatic and he was impressed at how well Ink was doing against so many opponents.

Inl looked very graceful and their attacks with a giant broom, often left craters in their wake, each time it connected to the ground. His new 'brother' could be a useful guard dog in the future.

He cheered on both sides, enjoying seeing the magic being thrown around. This new place was fun so far.

"You can do it brother! Jump right"

"A bone attack is there!"

"Don't be a wimp. You are the 'mighty Creator' after all"

He observed all the monsters next to the new Nightmare and thought they fit the dark and gloomy theme rather well. There was one that stood out to him though.

Ink should know who they were, so he called out, uncaring of the ongoing battle.

"Who is the penguin looking one, brother?"


...He preferred his name for them and grinned when he felt the Penguins embarrassment soar. Such an easy monster to fluster.

Sun listened to the other Nightmares scream each of his 'gangs' names and thought they were rather morbid. Who names someone Dust?

He was growing bored of the fight but thankfully things started spicing up.

The one he thought was named Killer, was accidently thrown at his feet by Ink and he watched in curiosity as they stood up, brushing off the dust on their outfit. They started to turn back to the fight, when they finally spotted him.

Their grin grew and they started playing with a knife, while looming over him. The black flowing from their sockets was odd but he was mostly intrigued at the SOUL, that was out in the open in front of their chest.

"Well, well , well. Who do we have here then? A poor little bunny all alone?"

"I'm not interested"

When they took a step closer he absorbed all the positivity they were feeling and grinned as they collapsed on the ground. The shock of losing something vital usually affected the SOUL rather badly, especially if it was out in the open like this.

He summoned a few bones, pinning them by their clothes as well, making sure they stayed down. He felt much better after that 'meal', almost thankful Ink had brought him along.

"Sun! Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Should I erase him from existence? I can-"

He had never been so thankful for a Nightmare, who unintentionally interrupted whatever other 'suggestions' Ink could come up with.

Ink had jumped to the left, just missing a tentacle that would have stabbed where he had been. He could grow to like this version of the Negativity Guardian.

"Dream. What has the stupid Creator done to you now? You look pitiful"

"I'm not Dream. I'm clearly the improved model"

"Star! Don't talk to the enemy. He is evil"

"So are you but I still do it"

He looked over the goop covered monster and grinned, after having a certain idea.

"Hey Nightmare? How about a deal?"

He screeched when he was suddenly grabbed by Ink and held under his arms, like a misbehaving cat. They had grown too comfortable around him if they were doing this. He had been far too lenient with them it seemed.

Nightmare was impressed at how much negativity could be contained in such a tiny body. What an interesting Dream type. They were already far more tolerable than his brother and more vicious. He nudged Killer with his foot, amused at the pitiful groaning they emitted.

His tentacles started to twitch at the growing negativity coming from Sun, watching with a smirk, at how they were trying to strangle the Creator.

"Why are you suddenly so angry at me?!"

"Don't just randomly grab me!"

"...but you are too cute to resist"

"I will push you into the Void"

Nightmare felt the Negativity balance right itself and decided he would keep an eye on this new addition. They could be very useful in his future plans.

He would sadly have to prevent them from killing the Creator, as he didn't want the multiverse to end, due to it being out of balance. While annoyed at Inks ignorance on the matter, they were still a vital part for his existence.


*watching fight between Creator and Bad Sans*

Sun: This is my chance. Maybe one of them will dust Ink 2.0 for me!
Sun: *PURE RAGE against Ink*

*Multiverse Emotional balance restored*

Nightmare: Can i replace my brother with this one?

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