Chapter 62- The Devils' return (Shattered multiverse)

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Sun is surprised to see Fresh again but that is overshadowed by past annoyances cropping up again


Shattered multiverse

Sun let out a sleepily hiss when his cheek was poked, pushing his face back into the warmth in hopes the annoying thing would go away. Sadly it wasn't meant to be, yelping as he was taken away from his comfy place, glowering grumpily and narrowing his eyes at the fuzzy thing holding him.

He was annoyed how everything wasn't in focus, not appreciating how he was being held like he was a misbehaving cat and ready to unleash hell on the person holding him.

"Don't be like that, baby parasite. I thought you would be excited to see me!"

Fresh hummed as Sun grumpily bit his hand, unbothered by the action but more worried how long they had been sleeping for. Besides, their bites weren't too bad, his glasses going briefly blank when Sun huffed and yawned, looking far too exhausted by such a simple action.

"Wake up, little bro. No time for nap time"

He would have put Sun down if they didn't look half asleep, slightly worried they would curl up on the ground to nap if he let them. He needed answers and his furby's would only distract Shattered and the other main players of this multiverse for so long. He would rather not have to move from his location so soon, hesitant to travel more with a clearly sick baby parasite.

" Why?! "

"You've been asleep for 12 hours, Sun"

Fresh said bluntly, knowing for a fact that wasn't normal for monster kind or Parasite, clicking when he saw they were zoning out.

"C'mon. Tell me what has been need feeding as well"

He frowned at the end, pretty sure Shattered wasn't one to hurt children but he would be checking stalking them later to make sure.

He had mainly visited this multiverse to have some fun, playing with both so-called 'sides' of the silly battle.

This place also had some potentially strong future hosts that he was eyeing in interest for when he would need to change body again having already disposed of the local Fresh, as he didnt like competition .


It took a lot of coaxing, feeding and bribery but Fresh eventually got the full story, amused at how well Sun took his lessons to get exactly what they wanted.

He was also impressed at how far the baby parasite had come along but he could see there was a long way to go, carefully taking in Suns scent and tilting his head in confusion.

"..your Code isn't stable, baby parasite"

It reminded him a bit of the Error types to be honest and that wasn't something he was happy about.

Early on in his existence he had decided to experiment and tried to possess an Errors body but they always seemed to degrade far too quickly for his liking, so he quickly gave up on using them. Such a strong monster yet so delicate in some ways, like a balancing act that only took a small tap to destabilise it.

"I know.."

Sun sighed, still feeding from the magic Fresh gave off but feeling it leave his body just as quickly. He felt a bit like a sieve right now and felt absolutely gross , not thinking he had ever felt so terrible in his life.

He had hoped Core might have been mistaken in their guess for what was wrong with him but with Fresh confirming it as well, he knew he couldn't stay in denial forever.

Stalker had really messed up with his Code, honestly surprised his body had lasted this long.

"..and you have a bond, Sun"

He scowled at the unwanted reminder, glaring at them and daring them to ask more. Unfortunately, what made them one of his favourites, was how they would just bulldoze through social norms, groaning as he was grilled for all details about it.

"Hmmm. No need to worry, little bro! I'll sort it all out. Leave it to me"

...he was going to hate this, wasn't he?


Sun usually enjoyed being right but this time he would have been content not to be, staring blankly at the two things in front of him. He gave a truly searing gaze to Fresh when they dared to smile cheerily at him, as if acting innocent would save them from his wrath.

" You are dead to me "

"Love you too, baby parasite!"

He hated how that made him purr, very reluctantly allowing them to nuzzle him and feeling less tense with now being able to feel their emotions clearly with the contact.

"This is for your own good"

"I think i might prefer dusting "

He said scathingly, snickering when it caused the two things to look downtrodden. He refused to feel pity for them or show fearlooking back at Fresh pleadingly.

"Can I just go live with stalker? Surely you can go grab them instead"

"No can do! You need something from your new 'bond' and 'stalker' does not qualify"

He scowled at their logic, guessing it made sense why Iris was here, deeply thankful he didn't have to deal with his 'parent'.

"That doesn't explain it though"

He said rudely as he pointed at that he refused to name, instinctively trying to summon a Gaster Blaster and whimpering when his SOUL violently protested the action.

Stupid stalker kept ruining his life without even having to be here.

"-feeling better now, baby parasite?"

He grunted unhappily as he held his head, unsure how he ended up sitting on the ground with Iris on his lap, wiping the tears off his face ineffectively as his hand spasmed once again.

"This little dude is needed for their magic. Just count it as another free food source"

His mouth twitched in amusement at the cold way that was said, Iris puffing up in offence only made it funnier. Trust Fresh to make a terrible situation slightly better, still feeling bitter they had brought them in the first place.

"W-What about them?"

He said as he wiped his tears, not wanting to show just how terrified he was even if it was rather obvious .

"Stabilising factor until we can get more solid solutions. You will need to be near them..and perhaps the occasional magical donation as well"

FUNK his life, hating how it all led back to his main tormentor.

" Hello, Sun "

"Hello, co-Guardian "

He said with forced neutrality as his 'supposed' twin flinched, still bitter they had led leech to him in the first place. He got some small amusement that Ink had chosen the name 'Blot' of all things it suited them as they were a blot to his life , fully planning to make this encounter as uncomfortable for his co-Guardian, as it was for him.


Sun: *Grumpy, tired and wanting a break* At least you are here Fresh

*Sees that Fresh brought Iris and his co-Guardian*

Sun: *Mood dipping further* Never mind, you are all dead to me
*Fresh trying to get into Suns good books again by referring to the two tagalongs as 'food'*

Sun: *Spotting how Iris and his co-Guardian look majorly offended* Fine, you are forgiven but you are on thin ice!
Nightmare: *Visibly nervous* Hello, Sun

Sun: *Smiling with too many teeth and planning to make this experience hell*

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