Chapter 33- Locate, Stalk and Pounce! (UnderVerse)

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Fresh teaches Sun how to have fun again



"Now baby parasite. When you are looking for a prey you have to make sure you can easily overpower or trick them"

Sun nodded along, unsure just what they were doing here. He had woken up to be in a Fresh arms, who started to click and chitter at him, making a part of him relax at the strangely soothing noise.

He didn't think he was a Parasite but who knows what stalker did to his Code, so he was happy to follow the others lead. They had some surprisingly useful tips and anything was better than being with stalker, so he was fine to stay with them for now.

Fresh hid a frown at the placid baby parasite, who said they liked to be called Sun. It was an odd name but he supposed it suited the host they had chosen well.

It had taken a lot of coaxing before the little one would explore the AU's he took them to but he was slowly dragging out their fun side, knowing a placid parasite was a dead one.

His instincts demanded he help the baby survive, until they could at least fend for themselves, so that's what he was was also fun to annoy the other Sans as well, which was an excellent bonus.

Fresh had been showing the baby how to take on a new host but they must be too young to really do so, as they only looked confused by his explanation. No matter, he could do it the old fashioned way. Grabbing an UnderFell Sans he pinned them to the ground and invited Sun to come closer.

"This is a rather weak monster, so perfect to what we need"

"Who are you calling weak you UNRAD DUDE?!"

Fresh ignored the soon to be meal and looked at Sun, making sure they were paying attention.

"Avoid the stronger ones until you are bigger, otherwise this process will be much harder. As you are unable take over them yet, taking their magic is the next best option"

"H-Hey. What are you going to do t-to me?"

"You look to be in a Positivity Guardian body right now. Can you absorb others' emotions, baby parasite?"

"Yes. I have been able to do that since i was born"

Fresh was surprised but pleased at such a unique power. This would make this so much easier. Maybe they didn't even have to change hosts. That was a rather large positive for their future survival.

"Now, you just need to drag their magic towards you, little dude"

"Isn't that just magical feeding?"

"Close. Magical feeding is voluntary by the donor, while this is very much not"

Sun thought he might have already done something like this before but he did like the idea of being able to eat without having to rely on stalker. He crouched next to Fresh and tried to reach for the UNderFell Sans magic, surprised it came to him easily.

Just what had stalker done to his Code?!

"Good job, baby parasite!"

Sun felt strangely warm at the praise, purring happily.

Fresh watched, making sure Sun had eaten enough before finally dusting the monster. His current host was perfect and there was no need for news to spread of another parasite running about. Sun was way too young to fight off others, like he was used to.

He picked up Sun, clicking in satisfaction at how much healthier they felt to him now. Time for a break it seemed.


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