Chapter 5- Oh god there is more of them (Birth Multiverse)

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Dream (now Sun) meets even more annoyances and is kidnapped yet again


Doodle Sphere

Dream was much happier being in the Doodle Sphere. As soon as they had gotten back he had made sure to distract Ink then run away. Error did not keep his side of the bargain, so he was now feeling bitter towards even more monsters.

He had only managed a short time alone before Ink found him but his spite was still going strong. No matter what Ink did, he refused to talk to them. It was working wonderfully and he could feel their despair growing, to his utter glee. Negative reinforcement seemed the best way to go in the future, when dealing with Ink.

He was also experimenting with new name ideas. Sun was the current one he liked but it still didn't feel quite right. He had plenty of time to decide as according to Error he was kind of immortal?...he was going to be stuck with Ink forever, wasn't he?

Currently he was enjoying some rare alone time, walking between the hanging AU's. He carefully brushed past them, shivering at the potent emotions he got from them. He was sure months had passed in this odd place and still he hadn't managed to explore everything. At least he wasn't bored.

He was humming a random tune, not paying attention to where he was going, so he was rather surprised when he bumped into someone.

Looking up he saw it was Ink. Preparing to walk away he paused when he looked at them more closely. They might look and feel like Ink, but there was no way they had grown this much so quickly. He should probably apologise to the new monster.

"He was right. You are rather cute"

....nope. He was not dealing with Ink 2.0. He should just ignore this one too. He stepped to the right, just as they were about to grab him, and glared at how they also didn't understand personal space. He hissed when he felt his Ink getting near. Had this been a trap to finally find him?

He spotted two others behind Ink, grimacing at meeting even more beings.

"Sun! I see you met my don't already like him more then me, do you?"

That was his concern?! He was done with Inks nonsense and not telling him anything.

"Who are the other two with you, Ink?"

He smirked at their pout, neatly avoiding the question and letting them overthink it.

"This is Dream and Blue! They are part of the Star Sans!"

He sighed at how this meant nothing to him. Staring at the golden monster he grimaced at how tall they were. He assumed this was his 'variant', whatever that meant. He could feel their magic try and mingle with his, which just wouldn't do. They also looked very happy to meet him, as did the shorter monster beside them. What had Ink told these people?

"Ink, why are they here? Also Mr happy go lucky? Stop it. Go annoy your Ink instead or better yet, take mine with you"

"You need more friends! You have been so grumpy lately"

"You made me go outside. Again! You know I hate other beings. Don't you dare step closer to me, Ink "

He had no idea why this made Dream and Blue gasp in disbelief. What made others think he was a friendly monster? Should he copy Nightmares' look? Mabe even Errors, would be a good idea.


"No thanks, I don't eat food. Also i can tell you are currently lying so you can fu-"

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