Chapter 9- From one crazed Dream to another (SwapDream Multiverse)

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Sun is 'saved' by Dream but attracts another's attention soon after


SwapDream Multiverse

"You will be nice and safe here. No one else knows about this place. Good luck"

Sun stared at where Dream had been in disbelief, before looking around his new surroundings. He had been given no time to object before the clearly insane monster had dropped him off.

Walking around he spotted a tree stump that felt vaguely familiar and hoped he wasn't where he thought he was.

Dream was a massive idiot and he fully understood why their brother thought that. He might be away from the Inks but he had no idea where he was or what to do now.

He was glad he had snuck his phone on Dream before he left, as he was sure Nightmare had used it to make a portal towards him. This would be the last thank you for Nightmare and a massive screw you to Dream.

He kicked a small rock and watched as it flew across the clearing, deep in thought. Maybe he should try and create a portal? Hopefully there were no Inks here.

"Why hello there. Just who might you be?~"

He spun around and gaped at the tall winged monster in front of him. How did he miss them? He was about to reply when he fully felt their aura. He groaned in discomfort, covering his mouth at their sheer positivity he could feel.

"Can you tone it down? I think I'm going to be sick..."

"Of course~"

He sighed in relief but was unsure why they felt amused by his request. Did this happen often to them? He looked them over and froze when he spotted their circlet. Did Dream dump him with another variant?!

He warily watched as they got closer and hated how easily they towered over him. What are these monsters doing to get this big?

His alarm grew when he sensed interest grow in them, as it felt suspiciously like when he first met Ink. It got worse when he spotted how their body stilled, on seeing his scarf. He should probably leave while he still had the chance.

Sun was beginning to gather his magic to leave but gasped when the positivity from the other increased. He started to sway in distress and ended up leaning against the unknown monster, much to his annoyance. He shivered when he felt their wings envelop him and soon felt his vision fading.

Dream caught the overwhelmed monster and was unsure how to react to what had just happened. The other was clearly a Dream variant but others of this type usually loved when he elevated the positivity.

Humming in puzzlement he lifted them up and cradled them in one arm, curious about the oddity.

Walking away from the remains of his mother he instead cooed at the tiny being, as they really reminded him of a doll. He poked their cheek, impressed that they were fully out of it. Perhaps they would satisfy his boredom for a bit.

"Sorry brother. I will have to reschedule our fight. See you~"

He passed by his brother, ignoring their gaping expression and formed a portal to his home. He was looking forward to the reaction he would receive when the little one woke up.

Just where did they come from to be like this?~.


Sun awoke and he kind of wished he hadn't. It felt like his body weighed a ton and it even ached to move his fingers. Opening his sockets he was unsurprised to see the winged monsters face very close to his own.

He had awoken like this far too many times with Ink to be shocked. At least this one kept his hands to himself. Their red and yellow sockets were rather pretty but he would have preferred it not be so close in his space.

Pushing himself up he winced at the pain from his body but persevered. He suddenly realised he was on a bed and a rather large one at that, with a strange monster. Just what mess what he got himself in now?

"It seems sleeping beauty awakens~"

....Nope. He was not dealing with this right now. Swinging his legs over the bed he stood up. Sun internally cheered at how stable he was and looked around until he located the door.

He was bewildered at how expensive the room looked and he could admit that the bed had been extremely comfy. If Ink had put a bit more effort in his accommodation maybe he would have stayed.

He walked to the door and was about to turn the handle, when the others aura enveloped the room. He could feel his body start to shake and leaned his skull against the door in misery. He whined as the emotions rose again and felt his body slide to the ground.

His magic felt like it was overloading and he hated this feeling with a passion. Why couldn't others just leave him alone?

Dream frowned when he saw them collapse by the door. He cut off his aura and went over to pick them up. He sat on the bed and held them in his lap, checking them over for any injury. He gently turned their skull towards him and wiped away the tears that were gathering in their sockets.

"It's ok. I've stopped. There is no need to cry, little one~"

Dream hadn't expected that to occur. He thought it would make them more energetic, as it had done with other variants. They had been out for days and he had been concerned. He never meant to hurt them.

"W-Who are you?"

Sun leaned into the hand holding his face, feeling tired from all the sudden changes. At least this one was gentle and very warm, especially compared to Ink.

"I am called Dream but i am sure you already knew that~"

He did but it was nice to confirm it. If the circlet didn't give him a clue their magic was too similar to his to dispute it.

He was jealous of their wings though, already imagining all the situations he could have escaped from with such useful appendages.

"What about you?~"

"Currently I go by Sun but I'm still deciding. Also I refuse to call you Dream. The last one was bad enough"

"How about Angel?~"

Sun just nodded and felt himself start to drift off to sleep, uncaring for anything else going on. He hissed when his face was tapped by a finger and glared at the other. He did not appreciate the smirk or the amusement he felt from them.

"You have slept too long. It's time to be awake and enjoy the day~"

Sun did not care and would have enjoyed sleeping for days but soon found himself lifted out the room, heading out the front doors.

This situation sucked. How did he keep attracting all the dangerous monsters?


Sun: Well, at least I am free

*SwapDream appears*

Sun:..I do not have a good feeling about this
Sun: *Awakens with SwapDream right next to him*

Sun: I feel a pattern is starting to occur

Dream? Who is that?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن