Chapter 30- Penguin! I missed you(r fluff) (Corrupted Nightmare Multiverse)

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Sun had loads of fun in this new multiverse!...It just sucks that stalker had to ruin it.


Fallen Stars Multiverse

" I think the most important thing to note is that this wasn't my fault, Stalker"

404 was laughing hysterically at what he had turned up to. He was pleased he had finally found a perfect place for Sun to practise their magic and had straight after gone to pick up his child but he was not expecting this .

This multiverse was supposed to be boring! No deviations from the usual plot and the AU he chose was empty when he arrived, so what went wrong?

Watching a Shattered Dream screech in euphoria and throw a tree over the hill, followed by an energetic Blue and a blank Ink, was not what he expected.

A Fallen Stars multiverse was rare! Even here the percentage of that even happening was less than 1%. He had chosen this place precisely because of the unlikelihood of anything happening. So where did it all go wrong?!

" To be fair I feel that's more of an issue with your maths then my fault. This was just a bad investment on your part"

404 looked at his goop covered child, realising he had spoken aloud and twitched as another fire was started. His voice came out monotone, feeling very done with his child's antics.

"...the Creator is emotionlessly starting fires, Sun"

" That's an improvement. I don't see why you are complaining. I know you dislike Creators as well "


" On a completely unrelated note I really like this Blue..can I keep him? "

404 just wanted to leave but narrowed his sockets on his child's goopy form. He could already tell he was going to regret asking this, feeling a migraine beginning to form.

"Sun...why are you still in your corrupted form?"

" That is a funny story. You see after Drea- sorry I mean Shattered ate the creepy apple, they let out a massive influx of energy so now I am stuck like this. The tentacles are fun to play with at least "

404 sighed, feeling drained already.

" You know. You can always just leave me here. I don't have to be your problem anymore "

404 ignored that statement and used his blue magic to drag them through his portal. How did they get more chaotic?

Corrupted Nightmare Multiverse

Sun was surprised that stalker left as soon as they dropped him off. They must be much more upset then he thought...does that mean they will finally leave him alone?! He hoped so.

Looking around he scowled at seeing a village nearby, feeling he was being punished....Maybe he would be able to avoid it?

"It's the demon! It's come to finish us off!"

He spun around and felt his tentacles lash out in surprise. How had he not sensed them?

"It's smaller than I must be weakened! Let's kill it!"

This was one of the times he was annoyed at his corrupted form but he still knew he would be fine. He could feel his tentacles start to spike at the gathering of monsters and humans. He could almost taste the fear coming off them, making his tentacles sway excitedly.

He wished he could say he was fully in control but this was all instinct, as his goop seemed to be reacting to his surroundings.

"Y-Your time of t-terror has come to an end!"

He stared in disbelief at the shaking cat monster, hoping they weren't truly this stupid. He could sense their blinding terror with a rather potent undercurrent of hate.

No wonder his Co-Guardian had wiped out the villagers, dealing with these emotions every time you went near them must have been exhausting.

...He didn't really want to kill anyone though but he knew if he stayed that would happen. Perhaps a new AU would be different? He hadn't tried using magic in this form as much but perhaps he would be lucky?

Before he could decide he sensed emotions suddenly being snuffed out and looking behind him, spotted a black tentacle stabbing through a bird monster.

"Run! The demon has spawned. We need to regrou-"

Sun was unsurprised that that idiot was soon killed. They had looked like the leader of this weird group and would most likely cause more issues down the line if they lived, so it was wise that this Negativity Guardian removed them.

He dodged as an arrow that came towards him and paused when he realised that it was only him and the other goopy monster now left.

He studied them and watched how their tentacles moved smoothly. He was kind of jealous and tried to copy, annoyed at how much harder it was then expected.

They made it look so easy! He tried to console himself, knowing that the other had to be practically ancient, so must have had plenty of time to practise.

He startled as a single black tentacle coiled around one of his own and helpfully moved it for him. It wasn't tight and he was shocked at how easily he could get out of it if he wanted to but he currently had no desire to.

He wanted to learn control and was determined to do so!


Nightmare was surprised at the magical energy he felt from this AU. It was even more shocking seeing a goop covered babybones, who he could have mistaken for his brother, if they weren't so small.

He easily dispatched the pests and was very amused at how much concentration they were giving his tentacles. It was odd that he could see both their sockets clearly and laughed when he saw one of their tentacles almost hit them in their face.

" It will take time to move them, let alone shape them like you are trying to do, little one "

Sun ignored them and tried even harder to have his goop do what he wanted. He was sure he was getting closer when he stumbled, feeling rather dizzy.

This was talking a lot of magic and he had never stayed in his corrupted form for so long before.

"Whoa! Careful"

Sun whined into the clothes of whoever was helping him, before finally managing to look up. This skeleton monster wore a lot of white with some black and he knew he had met a version of them before but what was their name again...?

" ...Penguin? "

He ignored the spluttering, focused on their fluffy hoody. That looked very comfy and he was feeling tired. He lifted his arms and gave a stern look at Penguin.

" Pick me up "

"Yes, B-Boss!"

Nightmare snorted at how Cross instantly obeyed the babybones, amused by the embarrassment that came off them soon after. The dark purr coming from the child was rather amusing, especially when they rubbed their skull all over Cross's hood.

At least it would be easier to take them back with him now. No need to leave something so interesting behind.


*The Star Sans loudly talking to each other with Sun in Inks arms*

Sun: *Woken up yet again and filled with high levels of spite* This place is annoying me. Hmmm, i wonder if i can make this more fun?

*Newly created Fallen Stars, causing havoc to the AU*

Sun: Much better!...Maybe i can have a nap in peace now
404:How did you even do this?!

Sun: *Barely awake and missing chunks of memory, due to little sleep* I am just that talented
*Sun struggling to control his tentacles, hoping that he will get better at it before he is as ancient as Nightmare*

Nightmare:..why do i feel like i was just insulted?

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