Chapter 36- Well, it was fun while it lasted (UnderVerse)

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Sun rather enjoyed tormenting Dream but sadly all good things have to end



Now Sun may have made a 'tiny' mistake. He had casually admitted he missed having hands and now Dream was even more determined to get him to shift back. He bluntly pointed out he didn't need thumbs if he had servants, with Dream looking like they were ageing in front of him.

That had been amusing!

He followed Servant 1 when they went to AU's, surprised to spot his stalker several times. He chirped happily when stalker passed by him with no second glance. He knew being a cat was the best option. Dream had no idea what they were talking about.

Getting what he wanted, even if Ink couldn't understand him, was rather simple to do as well. He had no idea why Dream had looked on in disbelief, that he only had to screech loudly on the kitchen counter, to be fed. He bet they were jealous they had never thought to do that before.

"Ink. You have to know that Goldy isn't a normal cat"

"This again? Look Dream, i know we haven't been spending much time together lately but there is no need to take it out on Goldy"

While Sun had found these attempts amusing at first he was growing annoyed at Dream trying to corrupt his servant. It had taken ages to train them and he would not have that ruined! he might have taken to 'accidentally' tripping Dream, swerving through their legs and meowing innocently when they tried to scold him, before rubbing against their leg with his tail held high.

His cuteness was super effective to get out of things!

Something useful did occur with having Dream nearby and that was practising projecting his voice. With a few helpful hints he succeeded, although he wanted to laugh at Dream's victorious look, when Ink walked in on him speaking.

"..Goldy? You can talk?! You are so smart! I really have the best cat"

Sun was surprised that Dream had such high expectations of Inks intelligence at this point, considering how long they had known them. He meowed loudly, looking at Dream with clear victory.


Of course like all good things that happened to Sun, they had to end. He fully blamed Dream for the situation he was in right now. He might admit to maybe having pushed them to the breaking point but that was hardly his fault. They should have been tougher and used to dealing with Ink.

..Surely he wasn't worse than a Creator?..of course not! What a silly thought that was. He must be spending too long with servant 1 to even consider that.

"-precious pet. All our demands will be met and-"

He squirmed in the tentacles holding him, glaring at Dream across the battlefield. If they hadn't insisted that 'Goldy should go outside more. You don't want him to get ill, do you Ink?' He wouldn't even be in this mess!

He hissed as the tentacles tightened and decided enough was enough. He shifted to his skeleton form, which seemed to shock Nightmare, as they loosened his hold so he could get away.

He grumbled at the mess of his clothes, looking up when he heard a high pitched noise from Dream.

"What? Never seen a skeleton monster before?"

Adults could be so weird and he glared at everyone near, feeling rather tense. He really hoped stalker wasn't nearby..

" you aren't a cat?"

"Now is not the time for this, Ink! Why is this the first thing you ask?! Where did they even come from? Ink! That is a babybones!..oh god how did you manage to keep them alive?!"

Sun snorted as Dream seemed to crack, not really seeing the issue. Of course Killer had to pipe in with their useless opinion.

"So did you have a kid or a pet, Ink?"

Dream was speechless at how thoughtful Ink looked at the question, still staring at the babybones in horror. They could not stay with Ink. When it was a cat they barely managed it but that was not an ideal environment for a child!

Suns frowns deepened at the emotions he could sense, knowing his time mooching off Ink was coming to an end. The Creator looked far too conflicted on the issue so he might as well just leave. At least he still had the warm scarf from them, which he refused to give back. It was his now! No take backs!

He created a portal to the Doodle Sphere, going to the room where Ink kept the more 'interesting' creations. It took him a while but he grinned when he found the object that felt familiar. Just like the weird snow globes Angel kept!..Hopefully he ended up somewhere better than here though.

He did not want to be adopted by Dream! Or worse Ink . They might be a useful servant but anything more sounded far too much in his opinion.

Shifting into his cat from he placed his paw on the item, giving a large cheshire grin as Dream finally turned up.

' Bye bye!'

With a flash of light he was gone, pleased to have gotten away from the multiverse, even if he would miss Fresh.

He wondered where he would end up next?


Dream: Surely your other form is better? Don't you miss being able to feed yourself?

*'Goldy' jumping on a counter and loudly screeching*

Dream:..what was that supposed to d-

Ink: *Suddenly appears* What's wrong, Goldy? You hungry again?

*'Goldy' smug his training works so well*

Dream:*Horrified at how easily the Creator is being led*
*'Goldy' speaking out loud*

Dream: Hah! Ink will for sure know you aren't normal no-

Ink: Such a cool trick, Goldy. You are so clever! Extra pets for you!

Dream: *Pleading tone* can't honestly be this stupid?
*'Goldy' shifting back to Sun*

Dream: A babybones?!

Ink:..My cat can become a skeleton? Neat!

Dream: *Almost frothing at the mouth* You cannot keep them! They are not a pet!

*Nightmare warily backing away from Dreams rage, not wanting to be the next target*

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