Chapter 16 - *Sigh* I guess it's time to train the Guardians now (?? Multiverse)

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Sun hates this new place and despises that there are Guardians present, no matter where he is


?? Multiverse

Sun refused to get closer to these strangers, no matter what they tried to coax him to come closer. They looked very similar to some AU's he had visited before but Sun was baffled why all three were here together.

"Hey, it's ok. We won't hurt you"

He barely held in a scoff at their begging, more than happy to stay in his corner until they left him the FUNK alone.

His wish miraculously came true, as they all left after whispering something to each other, but he still eyed the stairs in distrust.

"Hello? I am coming down"! Was his luck just that bad?! He closed his sockets, praying that when he opened them he would be mistaken.

"My name is Solar and i just wish to help you"

He shuddered when he opened his sockets, grimacing at being near another Positivity Guardian. They were like cockroaches. You think you get rid of one and 'surprise', here are another two.

"Can I know your name, baby apple?"

Why were Creators obsessed with making them? Surely he would one day end up somewhere where there were none.....maybe?

"You need to calm down. You are going to hurt yourself"

Is this one secretly crazy as well? It seemed to follow a theme at this point...there better not be the other co-Guardian here as well....maybe he should have stayed with Angel.

"I am going to come closer, ok?"

Ummm, he was not happy with that idea.

He prepared his body, ready to sprint past the weird monster. Of course that is when he stumbled and was easily snatched by the stupidly tall monster.

"There we go. It's alright. Up the stairs we go"

Adding insult to injury he was placed on their hip, as if he was a mere toddler!

Solar was happy to have calmed the situation down but was worried why another monster popped up so soon. He was repeatedly assured that the machine had been turned off but clearly something had gone wrong.

He started humming when the tiny body started to shiver. It was nostalgic seeing a tiny version of himself but he was worried where the others twin was. He was too scared to ask and had a feeling he wouldn't be given an answer either way.

They were a very suspicious child, which he could feel clearer now that he was holding them close.

Solar had been irritated that he had been dragged to this AU, with something blocking his powers but maybe this was a sign things were going to calm down.

He wished his brother wasn't hiding from him all the time, hoping to try and at least reconnect again. The first days in this new place had been tense, before a tentative truce was drawn out, in order to survive this odd situation they had found themselves in.

He thought things were going well but now they would have to deal with a babybones on top of all this stress. His frustration was mounting, until a tiny hand squeezed his shoulder, reminding him he was near another empath right now.

Stepping into the kitchen he was alarmed by the interest they showed towards the knives, knowing he would have to talk to Sans about hiding them. Stepping further away from the objects he grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and handed it over to the child.

They stared at it in bafflement before going back to analysing the room. He didn't think they were that young but when he pulsed his magic they latched on, quietly purring at the feeding.

This was very alarming to Solar, as this behaviour was usually seen in very young monsters. He cursed that his magic was on the fritz, so would be unable to perform a CHECK.

"Hey Solar! Did you greet the new guest yet? What are they like? How old are they?"

Solar glared at the Creator, annoyed they had come in just when the babybones was settling down. He watched as Colour leaned closer towards them, feeling the babybones tense in his arms and releasing a hiss.

Solar could see Colours smile falter but didn't blame the child. Having a stranger get right in your face was rather alarming. He was still trying to teach Colour boundaries but was unsure how well that was going.

"Awww. Don't be mean, Solar. Let me hold them"

The flinch that garnered stilled both adults, who stared at the shaking babybones in worry.

Sun was tired of strangers feeling entitled to him, just because he was smaller than them. He started sniffling, hating how his body was betraying his emotional state.

He was soon taken to the living room and placed on Solars lap. He blanked out the new Creator and instead fiddled with Solars hands.

He was kind of panicking that his magic was still not responding to him, no matter what he tried. He was going to be stuck with so many strangers, wasn't he..

He jolted when Sans voice called out a greeting, stiffening at seeing so many monsters in the room. He admittedly zoned out for most of the talk but got the general idea.

He was now stuck in this place, with many powerful monsters who all saw him as a tiny helpless child.

The worst thing is he saw that they were able to utilise basic magic, while he was stuck with nothing. This had to be his worst nightmare come to life...

"You will be staying with Solar and Lunar, babybones. Their magic should help you acclimatise to how limiting it feels to be here"

...what. He would rather stay with this new Creator than what he assumed was the other twin's name....That would mean he would have to talk though and he did like the advantage he would gain by being seen as mute.

Solar started to stroke his skull, making him unwillingly start to purr at the feeling. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad.

He had never tried to train a Guardian before. It can't be that different from dealing with a Creator.


Sans: You are safe here, kid. Come on over

Sun: *Has many experiences with past 'friendly' monsters*..Or you could go away?
Solar: -and this is the kitchen-

Sun: *Sees the knives* 😍

Solar:...which we will now be avoiding
Sans: - and those are all the rule of the house.

Sun: *Didn't listen and instead planning how to train his new 'caretakers'* sounds great!

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