Chapter 44- Abomination vs Intruder (Vantablack? Multiverse)

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Error is bored, close to just dusting the newest abomination in his multiverse (Vantablack) when a babybones appears. Maybe his boredom will soon be sorted.


Vantablack? Multiverse

Error was so very bored , having tuned out the monster in front of him several hours ago. How anyone could talk as much as Ink was a miracle..but he guessed this abomination was technically an Ink.

When he first spotted them he had the sudden realisation that his multiverse could have been so much worse. At least his idiot Creator never had Nightmare take them over, grimacing in disgust at this goopy abomination.

He thought their ego alone could drown him! He was unimpressed when they initially tried to intimidate him and mentally sighed when they swiftly switched to 'bribery' when he wasn't reacting as they wanted.

He stared at a random point behind the goopy monster boredly, cursing not for the first time, on agreeing to a stupid Truce with Ink. Sure, having his workload be rapidly decreased was nice but how 'Truce' somehow equated to 'tourist spot', he was rather lost on.

So many new abominations now entered his multiverse and he had to let them, as it was good for their 'image'.

So what if he snapped for a few months centuries and brought down a few other multiverses. Surely everyone would have forgotten it by now?!

" -offer you wealth. You will be the least hated slave out of all- "

...Error seriously thought they could use some work on their 'bargaining skills', as even Ink was better than this. Did combining his two greatest annoyances cause this much mental damage?

He thought his Ink was supposed to be blocking pests from entering their multiverse, not happily letting them in!...this sadly wasn't even the most annoying variant he had ever met as this one had at least enough sanity, to know attacking him would not be a wise choice.

He really wished they did attack him, so he could get this useless talk over with...

He even forgot their name but he thought it was 'Vanta something'. Probably something stupid with the name Squid stuck somewhere near it, knowing Creators stupid naming quirks.

He gave a disgusted look at their stupidly large brush, hating everything about this 'visitor'. He swore this thing was looking at him and he barely tolerated Inks precious 'Broomy'!

Error suddenly twitched in annoyance when he felt two more intruders in his multiverse, sniggering as one was thrown in the Trap AU. That was one AU that he thoroughly approved of Ink creating, getting so much entertainment from watching the idiotic abominations being forced to deal with each other.

At least Ink wasn't totally useless and he felt a smidge of pity when one intruder was taken to the Doodle Sphere. He knew that Ink liked to slow down time in their space to annoy certain visitors, testing them to see if he would let them in the multiverse or not.

He bet Ink let this annoying freaky combo variant in, just to annoy him...

It's not his fault he accidently destroyed their favourite AU! They should have known just looking at it would annoy him. He shivered at remembering the disgusting AU.

So much colour, so many furbies...

He sighed and reluctantly looked back up at the monologuing abomination, not having had to deal with this sort of treatment in years. His Nightmare and Ink knew he would snap if they spoke to him for too long and he frankly felt he deserved a medal, for dealing with this crap.

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