Chapter 21 - Me? Cause trouble on purpose? Of course not! (FGOD Multiverse)

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Sun explores and discovers some new things. He might have annoyed the king though...maybe.


FGOD multiverse

Sun thought things were going well, even if he thought the other 'gods' were all killjoys. He did realise that he was still in the same multiverse as before, when he saw Mr Copy visit this AU.

He made sure to avoid them, as the combination of determined optimism mixed with guilt was nauseating. It seemed even with a SOUL that Creators were weird.

After his plan, to make sure Reaper couldn't just abandon him so easily, was a success he was soon brought along to Reapers 'job'. He didn't really care how gruesome some of the surroundings were and was more relieved at seeing something different than marble and gold....maybe he should 'helpfully' redecorate the place. It might make the 'king' less grumpy.

It was sadly nothing new but so much better than being stuck with the other 'almighty gods'. They were rather stupid if they hadn't noticed how he could easily control their emotions or that he wasn't truly mortal.

He let them keep their delusion, in no rush to educate the idiots.

Today he was wandering by himself due to Reaper being swamped with work. He didn't truly listen to their explanation, before forming a portal, which suspiciously worked again. He tried it multiple times but it seemed to no longer lead to that dark abyss.

Not dwelling on it for much longer he formed a portal to an AU that Reaper had suggested and soon ended up in a shop, with a bewildering amount of emotions coming from it.

"Hello. Welcome to the Bitty shop. Do you wish to adopt today?"

"Hello. I around here. What is a 'Bitty' exactly?"

"An AU traveller are you? That is fine. Let me show you to all the current adoptable Bittys"

He silently followed the human but froze at seeing the so called 'pets', if he was getting the idea right. They just looked like tiny monsters to him and when he was asked if he wanted one, he couldn't help but look at them as if they were insane.

These were just tiny monsters..right? Did that mean it wouldn't be long before the normal ones would be counted as 'pets' as well?

Sun had thought staying in this multiverse would have been nice but now he was determined to leave. He refused to become this! It was hard enough being treated as a helpless child, let alone a pet!

He shifted in place, glancing at the door in desire to leave, so was shocked when he was gently pushed into a room full of the tiny monsters.

"Have fun! Call if you need any help"

He glared at the back of the humans head but shifted to look at the numerous 'Bitty's', before sitting with his back against the wall. He knew Reaper didn't really care what he did during the day, so spending more time here was hardly an issue.

Sun smiled as several came over and let his hands be played with by the Bitty's, happy to observe these new monsters. It was slightly odd how most looked like beings he had met before but just smaller. What a weird AU.

He was confused why the Error and Ink types stayed away but hardly cared, as many others were happy to come over to him.


Sans was growing worried. His co-worker Abby talked about a child monster coming in hours ago and they were still here. He had checked in on them regularly, happy to see them calmly sit with the Bittys but as time passed his worries grew.

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