Chapter 15 - This...this is fine (Dreamtale? Multiverse)

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Sun is bored and naps. When he awakes he is not happy.


Dreamtale? Multiverse

Sun was mainly left alone in the castle, as Nightmare seemed rather busy trying to sort this mess of a multiverse.

He had a slight hope that the things he had seen were real but of course that was dashed by Mr I-REFUSE-TO-LET-YOU-HAVE-NICE-THINGS, Nightmare. They might have hidden it well but he was certain they enjoyed his misery on the subject.

He instantly put them in the same category as their brother. Fun ruiners, the both of them.

"-kitties like to jump a lot. Does that make me a kitty? So many things i need to tr-"

Of course Blue never left as he doubted they had enough sanity to understand what was going on. They also had the annoying habit of mistaking him fo-

"DREAM! There you are. I looked everywhere for you. Want to make some tacos? I found glitter so add some sparkle to it"

It was odd how they could sound so lucid at times, while their emotions were still chaotic. The glittery tacos did sound interesting though, as he had no idea that it was a food item. He really wanted to try and make it.

" Blue? Where are you? You know you can't wander of- "

He watched the black boned monster, unsure why they were just staring at him. Before he could ask, their blue strings circled around Blue and they both left through a staticky portal.

That was weird....Why did he sense fear from them?

With his entertainment gone he started to explore the castle some more. He had looked through a decent chunk but he was determined to find Nightmares room. There must be something cool there, compared to the boring surroundings.

He lit up when he found it and was unsurprised how extravagant it was. He swore it was a Guardian trait to be 'extra'. It worked in his favour when he became a 'guest' at their places.

He could easily leave this place but now that he knew all the best places he had been to were fake, he saw no point. At least no one was clingy here.

He started to yawn and eyed the bed in contemplation. It looked rather nice and was the least effort to get to. If Nightmare had an issue with it, well tough. Finders keepers!

He lay down, feeling himself sink into the many layers of covers. He curled up, happily drifting off. He will just have a quick nap......




Jolting awake he glared at the noise, puzzled at the relief coming off Nightmare.

"W-Wh-aattt? I was napping"

He didn't care if he was whining, that had been the best sleep he had in ages...apart from the apple incident. That had been heaven not having to deal with anyone...hmmm. Would eating the apples even make him into stone? Would Nightmare know?

"Are you ok, Sun?"

"I was until you woke me up...why?"

"Sun. You have been asleep for days"

...well FISHSTICKS. That had never happened before. He fully blames this one on the creepy multiverse. It had been making his magic jumpy but he thought it was fine. What did creepy Dream do to him?

A sudden bang followed by the shaking of the ground, alarmed him.


"No time! You need to follow me"

He cursed at how Nightmare ended up picking him up, as he just couldn't keep up with their pace. It wasn't his fault they had freakishly long legs!

He was intrigued when Nightmare led them to the library and pressed a certain brick on the wall. Sun was startled when it revealed stairs and the feeling of dread grew, when they ended up in front of an ominous looking machine.

"This will get you away from here. I am so sorry my brother dragged you into this"

He wanted to interject that it was kind of his own fault he ended up here but the noise coming from the machine was rather distracting.

"Is it supposed to sound like that?"

"You need to stand beside it when it activates"

"There is smoke coming off it.."

"I programmed it to take you as far away as possible from here"

"...Parts are literally falling off it"

"You should be safe wherever you end up"

How rude! Ignoring his many valid issues he had with this so-called 'plan'. He was about to deny going near the death trap when a voice rang out, that made his SOUL freeze.

"Chick? Where are you?~"

He would happily take his chances with the machine! If he dusted at least the leeches would no longer be able to find him.

Sun stood as close as he could to the machine, willing it to be ready sooner. When he felt something latch on his magic he gave one last look of pity towards Nightmare, before he felt all his senses be cut off.

Darkness was the only thing he could see and he hoped he wouldn't regret this.

?? Multiverse

Sun felt like he had just died. His body was sore and the hard cold surface he was lying on, did not help his dampening mood. He turned his head, annoyed it was taking so long for his eyelights to adjust. He was puzzled at only seeing grey and knew he would have to stand up to get a better look.

Grumbling at the injustice he pushed himself onto his knees, alarmed when he realised he was in a the FUDGE does he end up in these situations?

It was a small relief that no one else was here, letting him think on what his next plan would be. He tried to use his magic to sense any nearby presences and was distressed when it instantly flickered out. He kept trying but all he achieved was tiring himself out.

This was even worse than before! How was he supposed to defend himself now?! Noise from the door made him jump up, making him start to sway on his feet. Soon three skeleton monsters turned up, causing him to back up into the corner.

Their eyelights all focused on him and he hated that he was unable to tell what they were feeling. It seems the old fashioned way of observing their faces it was.

"Is that a tiny Positivity Guardian?"

...he hated it here already.


Sun: I refuse to go near that machine! It looks like it will dust me!

*Hears Angels voice calling him*

Sun:..on the other hand what is life without a little risk. Take me away!
Sun: I'm alive? And there is no Angel? luck is looking up!

*Skeletons turn up calling him 'tiny'*

Sun: Life is very cruel to me...

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