Chapter 38- Two stalkers? In this economy?! (FGOC Multiverse)

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Sun really thought things were going well, so of course he gets a 'fun' surprise...he knew he should have just stayed as a cat for the rest of his life.


FGOC Multiverse

Ink was rather enjoying being around the new monster. They were so amusing and they kind of reminded them of himself before certain.. things happened.

It was still rather sad that they took any kindness as an attack and he knew this wasn't just limited to himself. He had watched as Dream was rebuffed time and time again, any kindness treated with suspicion but negativity was practically encouraged, the babybones almost basking in the chaos they caused.

He still remembered how lost and surprised Sun was when he handed them a Cinabun, not to mention the vehement rejection of the nickname 'sunshine', which alarmed him on multiple levels.

...He might be stuck in this tiresome role..but perhaps the babybones could add some much needed light to his imprisoned life. A change was desperately needed in his multiverse, before its inevitable downfall.


Sun might have had a rocky start here but things were going so much better now. True, there was nothing new he hadn't seen before but that didn't mean it wasn't fun to play with all the monsters he passed. It was even better when Ink was blamed for all his tricks!

Fresh really had been the best teacher.

...talking about the Creator, he hadn't seen them in a while but annoyingly he had spotted the Positivity Guardian. You hide behind someone once and they suddenly get attached to you. What was wrong with this place?!

The Negativity Guardian was amusing though, as they made the best faces when he escaped their tentacles. Sure there was a lot of 'you are the perfect bait' and the ever repetitive 'you are my bargaining piece' but thankfully he never had to listen to them for long.

He was getting faster at escaping them and he felt he was so close to beating his last personnel record of one minute!

...His estimation of everyone's intelligence though was sadly low, as usual. He had such high hopes for this place as well. How no one noticed he could shift forms was baffling and highly suspicious, as he knew that Ink had seen him in that form, so what was going on?

Creators always loved to make issues for him, so why hadn't this one?..were they perhaps broken?

Fresh did say that some monsters were just slow but it did make them perfect prey. The longer he thought about it the more he agreed with the idea. A wave of relief came over him, finally realising why Ink was so weird here. With that mystery solved he left the AU much happier, curious to see what fun he could have next!


"-fascination specimen. So many things to learn in this wonderful place. I should have left years ago! Cross was clearly a failure bu-"

Sun wanted the ground to swallow him up, hell at this point he would happily cuddle Dream if only this monster would stop talking.

"-45AU but this should revolutionise the field. Hmm, will their corruption make them more lik-"

Why did he have to meet XGaster yet again?! They have to be even worse than stalker, which was already a very high bar that few could surpass.

They hardly knew anything about him and already sounded far too obsessed with him, for his liking. He has been stuck with them for hours and they were still talking about how 'fascinating' he was. It was so creepy!

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