Chapter 43- 'Overreaction'? Never heard of her (DreamSwap Multiverse)

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Sun is not happy with this kidnapping and makes it everyone else's problem


DreamSwap Multiverse

Sun had lost count on how many monsters were following them but was honestly impressed at just how many people Mr Crazy had. He mentally snickered when he sensed even more converging on their location, surprised they still hadnt caught up to them.

He dug his claws into his current kidnappers shoulder in protest, when they squeezed him too tight, tempted to just bite them to escape. He would hiss but his kidnapper had one redeeming quality and that was the fluffy material around their neck.

He rubbed his face against it happily, finally recognising who his kidnapper was.

It was Penguin!...even if they felt like a much stupider variant to what he was used to. Maybe they took after Killer in the multiverse?

They had picked a terrible place to grab him and going by the many monsters still following them, he felt it was only time until they were caught. His taxi might be gone but he knew they would find him again.

They also happened to be a monster who was attached to him. So, between Mr Crazy and his taxi, he would be free from this monster at some point.

He let out a high pierced meow when he spotted Mr Crazy, tail saying in amusement when it caused Penguin to curse and Dream to look in their direction.

"Shush! Do you want us to get caught?!"

..'Us'? Sun had no clue why they thought he wanted to go with them and meowed louder, it turning into a yelp when they went through a portal.


Sun glared at the monster in front of him, fur bristling when they tried to touch him.

"I'm sorry for Cross rough treatment. I promise to release you soon"

As far as he was concerned, they shouldered the full blame of this situation. Stupid Negativity Guardians and their idiotic minions. He glared harder at the weird monster, their lack of corruption putting him further on edge.

Sun admitted he had a few 'tiny' issues with his co-Guardian, which meant he saw no issue showing his full displeasure on any of their variants. They were all the same in his mind. Just like Creators.

He twitched when Penguin, or as he preferred 'would be better off as fish food', tried to touch his charms.

"...I will scratch you if you try that again"

He got dark satisfaction when Mr Fish food jumped at his voice, forming a Cheshire grin when he saw them try again. He didn't hesitate to scratch their face, infusing his claws with his corrupted magic.

He would blame it on this Nightmare if Mr Crazy found out, letting out an amused trill when he saw them fall onto the floor.


'They will live. Don't be such a killjoy'

"They fainted, cat !"

Oh? So they had realised he wasnt normal. Was this the smarter Guardian?

'I did warn them. It's hardly my fault they didn't listen'

"You influenced their emotions!"

'How cruel! Blaming everything on me. Maybe if their 'Boss' took better care of them, none of this would have happened'

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