Chapter 28- This is yours?..Finders Keepers! (EmpireVerse Multiverse)

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Sun is annoyed by all the attention, he isn't impressed when he gains even more It.


EmpireVerse Multiverse

Sun was not pleased when he had looked in a mirror and seen the odd design on the Emperors cheek, on his own. He also seemed to have a moon tattoo on his other cheek and no matter what he did, it just wouldn't come off!

This better not be permanent or he would be having strong words with his stalker!

"Are you hungry, my prince? There are some snacks on the table for you"

It wasn't all bad he guessed, even if he was a tad speechless at the monsters around him. Were they just incapable of thought, really thinking he was this 'lost prince'? Did they really look that much alike?

Of course he kept his mouth shut on the topic, morbidly curious how long it would take them to realise the truth. It was also some fun entertainment for him, even if the positivity directed at him was a tad unsettling.

"I think i will go have a nap"

"What an excellent idea, my prince"

Sun shivered at the reverence in Inks' tone and was so happy that he was at least allowed to be in his new room by himself.

He also hadn't done anything to cause trouble, so he knew his stalker would be pleased with him!...and now he felt disgusted he even had that thought. He really needed to get rid of them but was baffled at how. They just seemed to be everywhere!

Sighing in annoyance he lay down on his mound of pillows and hugged one close to him. This was nice at least.


Sun grumbled as he felt someone near him but he was way too comfy to move. Cracking an eyelight he frowned at how dark it was and was wondering just how long he had been asleep for.

A movement made him twist his skull and he frowned at the shadowed silhouette. They didn't feel hostile so went back to sleep, he was too tired to deal with this. It didn't help that he hadn't had a magical feeding in a while and tried to ignore his body whining for sustenance.

Maybe he should poke the Emperor tomorrow? They were his new 'dad' after all. Stalker was going to hate this. With that thought he smiled and closed his sockets, ignoring the new monster.

Fresh shivered when golden eyelights stared at him. He was built for stealth so it was unsettling that the babybones had managed to sense him. The stare reminded him of his Emperor Nightmare and he was so glad they looked away. He might have duller emotions but he still felt his SOUL race at the analysing look.

They would be terrifying when they grew up!

He moved closer and felt his magic beg to be closer to the babybones. He was unsure what it was about them, that made him want to keep them close. He even had the stray thought to hide them away from both Kingdoms but he shook off that thought. He would surely be killed for such blatant treason and his Emperor was not a forgiving monster.

Grabbing the black blanket he had brought he covered them before lifting them up, making sure to hide their body. He stilled as they turned but relaxed when they merely leaned into him. Were they just as sensitive to emotions as the two Emperors? He knew they both thought he was rather soothing to be around, when emotions were running high.

He felt a pang knowing that Emperor Dream would never welcome him back, due to what he was about to do but Nightmare had promised him so much and he was tired of the constant fights. Hopefully the babybones was the answer they needed for peace.

Fresh was glad to make it outside the castle and was surprised he had manged to avoid all the guards with no issue.

"You get them?"

He jumped and nearly lashed out but realised it was just Killer, leaning against the tree, looking as if they had no worries in the world. He nodded and went to hand over the precious cargo but paused as mumbling came from the blanket. They still seemed asleep but too much noise would surely give away their location. Just what to do?

"Give over your jacket, Fresh"

"..What? Is this a joke?"

"Look, do you want to be caught or not?"

Fresh grimaced and carefully pulled off his jacket while holding the babybones. Killer might like to poke fun but he was competent as a Knight. He had to be otherwise Nightmare wouldn't have chosen them.

Killer took the jacket and threw it over the bundle before grabbing the babybones, pleased his idea worked. Fresh practically never took off this clothing so he knew it would be suffused in their magic, perfect to calm the kid.

Now to head back before they got caught, as he could already hear shouting from the guards.


When Sun opened his sockets he knew something was off. Pushing up he looked around and squinted in confusion at the room. It might look identical to what Emperor Dream had but the atmosphere here was way darker. He could almost taste the negativity in the air and it was nice...he was unsure what to feel about this.

He stood up and went to the door, unsurprised to find it locked. He could feel his goop wanting to come out, to remove the obstacle to his freedom but he resisted. He would only do it in an emergency and he refused to call his stalker! They would be insufferable.

Eyeing the room he finally spotted a difference and perked up at seeing so many more pillows to lay on. He went over and grabbed them, before throwing them on the ground, in order to make a little nest.

He squealed happily at his soft nest and curled in the middle of it, feeling much safer now. He felt a yawn come again and he blamed the sudden change in emotional spectrum. He might dislike it but his body was small and much more sensitive than he would like to these changes.

Sun happily napped but he was still aware enough to hear the door creak one and footsteps walking towards him. He surprised himself when he started to purr, as a cool hand rested on his cheek. He cracked a socket open and realised it was a Nightmare but he felt none of the usual apprehension he was used to.

Nightmare was amused when the child soon fell back asleep and was pleased his bargaining chip was so placid. The slight whine they gave when he pulled away made him chuckle but they soon stopped, when he lifted them up in his arms.

His tentacles swayed behind him in delight, as their purring got louder at being closer to him.

He headed for the throne room and made sure the babybones skull was visible to all, wanting to show off the marks on their face. Soon the rumours would spread and his brother would have no choice but to meet him. He would get his peace one way or another.

Sitting on his throne he looked down at the child, curious if he would be able to keep them. He had always wanted an heir and annoying Dream was an excellent bonus.

Let the games begin brother.


*Sun waking up at sensing someone in his room*

Sun: *Glares at intruder, before deciding sleep is more important*

*Sun waking up to be faced by Emperor Nightmare*

Sun: This better not become the new trend!
Emperor Nightmare: Look at my new heir!

*Sun snoring, oblivious to the weird situation he is now in*

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