Chapter 59- Two Dreams don't make a right.. (Shattered multiverse)

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Ink grows worried and tries to get help for Sun.
Sun just wants to be left alone by all these insane monsters..


?? Multiverse

Sun learned many things in the next few days but the most important was that his recurring irritant was annoyingly clingy!

You would think that was old news but with his lack of portal capabilities, combined with his uncharacteristic tiredness making him nap far too often for his liking , meant he was given far too few opportunities to try and escape.

He wished he could drop kick them into the Void like he had seen stalker do to others but sadly his small body wasn't exactly built for that sort of attack. He wasn't even managing to be particularly intimidating either, annoyed by all the pictures his irritant seemed obsessed with taking of him especially when he scowled at them .

They were at least adequate with feeding him though, refusing food on principle and spite but magic was more than welcome.

Ink was so pleased how well this was going, nuzzling the babybones affectionately but his smile fell when he realised they had fallen asleep, despite having only woken up half an hour ago.

He knew it wasn't a game like they used to play with him in the past playing hide and seek in all the AU's had been fun so was rightfully concerned at this odd new development.

"I wonder. What have you been up to, to have so many changes..?"

He murmured as he adjusted them to rest on one arm, trying to CHECK them and frowning at what he saw. There were so many error symbols and the corner of the CHECK box looked like it was hanging on by a mere thread, barely able to make out their name it was very odd that it had question marks by it or the basic facts.

Still nothing substantial, frowning when the whole thing collapsed without his permission, this not being normal in the slightest.

He had been planning to show them a few AU's he thought they may like, especially after seeing them enjoy Ccinos place but it seemed that would have to be on hold for the time being until this was sorted out.

He had a few favours he could cash in and was sure Sun would also enjoy it!

Shattered Multiverese

" want me to what? "

Shattered was deeply unimpressed, his tentacles lashing behind him as he looked between the visiting Creator and the tiny version of him warily.

"I need you to look after Sun. It's only for a few days at most and they are easy to look after. A little angel really. "

...That is what he thought he heard but it did not make any more sense the second time. He wasn't what one most would go to for babysitting and the Creator was being far too vague for his liking about why he was being asked to do this.

Dream? Who is that?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant