List of Yi

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T/L: Colors and abilities of Yi:

Yellow-- Healing Yi: Capable of healing, the healing ability is dependent on Rank. Can be used Thrice per day
:Not upgradable through Leveling
Current person in the story who showned this ability: Uzuri

Blue-- Power Yi: Can be infused in skill and it will boost it 2x. but can only use Thrice per day.
:Not upgradable through Leveling
Current person in the story who showned this ability: Zulruack & Earthor

Red-- Alpha Yi: Can disable the defense of Chosen enemy for 3 minutes, but can only be use twice per day
:Not upgradable through leveling
Current person in the story who showned this ability: Allastor

List of Higher-Yi:


Allastor Frauzz(Raw Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt