7.20 ∣little old me

Start from the beginning

When they had walked down to the main area of the dorm. "Ready?" Theodore questioned her, nodding towards the door in the distance. "Enzo is outside waiting to take us up, came up with some excuse that I was helping Grace with her throwing up or something." 

"Ew gross," Grace commented on it causing Y/n to smile ever so slightly. This was what she liked, being around the people who understood her better than any relationship could ever do to her. "Never say I'm throwing up willingly," 

Furrowing her eyebrows and cocking her head ever so slightly towards the blonde-haired girl. "How do you throw up willingly?" Inquiring towards her. 


Quickly cutting her off before she went onto some tangent. "We don't have time." 

"Rude," Grace muttered to Y/n, with both of the girls holding onto each other while they were walking. 

Going outside of the common room, Enzo had leaned on the wall with his dad hitting him on the shoulder to straighten himself up. Mr Tewksbury was usually kind to Y/n which she didn't get a lot from older Death Eaters. It was probably because he and one of her brothers were close most like it. Feeling like he had to owe something to them by taking care of their little sister. "It's good to see you're okay, Y/n." were the first words she remembered him saying to her when they made eye contact. 

"I'm glad to see it too," Not even knowing how to answer that question anymore. The group of them started to walk upstairs with, Y/n putting the hood on her robe so that no one saw her coming. Counting her hair was very significant. "You don't need to risk yourself, and your son for me." 

"There's a war happening, doing the littlest dumb would get us killed." Trying to defend why he was doing something like this. "Besides' Sirius and Regulus would've done the same for us. One more than the other." 

Pursing her lips together; "I would've done the same for you," Nodding her head and eyeing the man beside her wearing all black. "And Enzo." Eyeing he and Theodore talked about how they were going to get Y/n into the Slytherin section of the crowd without being noticed by someone who didn't like her. Which was way more common coming from her house nowadays. 

He started to walk forward with Theodore grabbing onto Y/n's arm a little bit bringing her back to talk to them. "We're going to have to sandwich you to bring you in," Theodore mentioned to her, Y/n nodded her head understanding. 

"Guard has gotten bigger," Enzo pointed out to her, "The whole castle is surrounded by Death Eaters, less than the start of the year, that's for sure Could've killed someone and got away with it now compared to before." 

"What a metaphor," Grace joined the conversation catching up with the group. "I would've used one sweater counting the current state," 

Shrugging his shoulders not caring how she reacted to the metaphor he brought to the table. "It was the only one that made sense." Simply put. "Anyways, where's Harry?" 

"Trying to find it," Y/n simply put it since Enzo didn't know what was going on. "I'm going to have a little fun with Snape before you know," Her accent was thick as she walked next to Grace; rubbing the corners of her eyes. Looking and seeing 

The four of them thankfully got passed the two Death Eaters guarding the door. But waiting a moment, she had walked in with her head semi-down. Going over to where she, Grace, and Theodore had normally sat. Y/n finally saw how much Hogwarts had changed, sitting down slowly with her legs crossed keeping her eyes on the table waiting to hear the sounds of Snape coming up to the podium to talk. 

Staring at the table, she had accepted that these might be her last moments. Once the guards are aware of her presence they wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Closing her eyes she sighed deeply, taking in all of the emotions. Accepting imminent death to defeat Voldemort. 

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