4.7 ∣ illicit affairs

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A pleasant atmosphere of anticipation pervaded the air. Lessons weren't very interesting, as everyone was more interested in the arrival that evening of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang; even potions weren't as tiring as usual, since it was half an hour shorter. Following the early ring of the bell, Y/n, Grace, and Theo dropped their bags and books in the common room of Slytherin house, donned their cloaks, and hurried downstairs into the entrance hall.

Lines of students were ordered by the heads of each house. "Black, you need to stand straight or else you'll get detention, and wear your bag correctly" Snape commanded, Y/n looking at the man with the black hair. 

The way she always stood was with her back straight as she could counting that was just the way she stood, with her bag slung on her shoulder like it supposes to be, with a S.P.E.W badge sitting on it since she spent over 2 sickles on it. 

"Newman, stop talking!" Grace furrowed her eyebrows since she said nothing. "Come on everyone..." Snape ended before he started to move. 

In her mind, Y/n scolded him silently, knowing that her mother would be able to believe anything he told her. According to Walburga, Y/n does not know anything since she is a teenage girl. 

Upon reaching the top of the dungeons they met in front of the castle, where the other houses were also gathered. It was Y/n who stood between Grace and Theo as the girls held hands as they always did. The Forbidden Forest was enveloped by a pale, transparent looking moon as dusk was falling. They could see everyone in the other house talking among themselves from the front. Grace crossed her arms as she muttered, "They better make a grand entrance; I'm positive that it is around six." as Y/n elbowed her and decrossed her arms. "Okay...mum." she stammered. 

"Do y'reckon they are arriving by portkey or something?" Theo asked, looking away from the other houses and over at the two girls.

"Surely not the Beauxbaton girls..." Y/n proclaimed, "I remember when I went to the school for a tour, I thought it was beautiful in comparison to Hogwarts...They must arrive in something more elegant than a portkey..." She continued fixing her bag. 

Y/n was accepted into Beauxbaton in her years earlier than Hogwarts. While scanning the darkened grounds, they found nothing moving; everything was still, silent, and quiet as usual. Y/n was starting to feel cold. She wished they'd hurry up. Theo noticed this as well, putting his hand into hers.

The three stood in a line, Y/n leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder, while Grace went over to trouble Draco because he kept watching the three while speaking to Crabbe and Goyle. 

When Dumbledore called out from behind the other teachers, "Aha! The delegation from Beauxbatons is approaching!" Grace quickly returned to her friends, while she furrowed her eyebrows and looked around while they searched for the girls. 

Many students eagerly inquired "Where?" looking in different directions.

"There!" exclaimed the sixth year, pointing to the forest. Suddenly, something much larger than a broomstick, or indeed, a hundred broomsticks, hurtled across the deep blue skies toward the castle, growing ever larger with every passing moment.

"It's a dragon!" shrieked one of the first-year students, nearly losing her head.

Dennis Creevey declared, "Don't be stupid, the house is flying.". When Dennis's guess came true, they watched as a gigantic powder blue horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, soaring toward them as the huge black shape skimmed above the treetops of the Forbidden Forest flying towards all of them. 

Suddenly, as the carriage hurtled lower in the air, the students in the front three rows of the carriage drew back as the horse's hooves, which were larger than dinner plates, hit the ground as the carriage flew into the ground at an almighty speed. Almost simultaneously, the carriage landed as well, its wheels bouncing while its golden horses tossed their head and rolled large, fiery-red eyes.

heart of desire ( harry j potter )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora