6.10 ∣ art of touch *

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Y/n stood as snow fell on her shoulders as the cold enveloped her body. 

As she gazed at the moon with stars surrounding her, snow fell on her shoulders. 

Snow pelted her chin. Her heartbeat slowly. 

At one point, she felt as if the surrounding skyline were crumbling. 

The sound of clicking could be heard through her ears, as locks opened. 

The pulse of her heart increased rapidly as her hands began to shake and she began to fiddle with her rings.

After a creak, the door opened, and she found herself in the presence of someone she hadn't seen for several months.

"Y/n?" she asked in response. "Remus told me to be expecting-" 

Y/n whipped her head around to look at Molly Weasley, who stood in front of the door with the door open. 

Y/n muttered "Hello, Mrs Weasley," as she fiddled with her sleeve. 

Her words stuttering as she stared at a short, plump woman with ginger hair, she said: "I-I'm sorry to bother you." She apologised and listened to her breath. 

"No," She replied, shaking her head, as Y/n noticed a change in her personality. 

She was showing Pity. The pity is about losing Harry, along with her brother. 

"Remus told me to expect you. Come in, come in, it's snowing." She finished waving her hand. 

Molly's new joyous attitude caused Y/n to cautiously enter the burrow because of her surprising new joy. 

The living room of the Weasley home was a comfortable space, with a sofa and armchairs.

Among the amenities in the room are a fireplace, a wooden wireless set, a bookcase, and a clock which, instead of telling the time, indicated the status of each family member.

Upon inhalation, the scent is reminiscent of cinnamon and burning wood. Her eyes began to roam around the burrow in order to take in everything she saw. 

"Mind I ask, how long do you think you'll be staying?" Molly asked, with a forced smile. 

The woman was evidently still not fond of Y/n, and she appeared to believe that Y/n would be judging the burrow. 

In contrast, the burrow seemed more hospitable than Grimmauld Place ever could be. 

"N-not long," Y/n murmured while yawning. "Can I ask where Harry is?" 

"Why?" asked Molly. 

Her voice creaked while she was trying to talk, it was obvious that she was smoking a lot. 

"I just wanted to talk" Y/n murmured, "I'll be a couple of minutes...I made many mistakes, and I'd like to correct them...for better or worse-" 

At the touch of Y/n's hand, she rubbed the snow off of her leather jacket, causing it to turn to water. 

She felt her stomach squeeze into itself as she groaned at the pain in her arm and felt her stomach punch in on itself. 

While looking at Mrs Weasley, she tucked her arm out of sight a little so that no one could see her sleeve. 

"He will be staying on the second floor," Molly said after sighing, "and Fred and George's names are on the door." 

A nodding Y/n nodded and thanked the woman silently. 

She held her arm as she walked up the wooden stairs that creaked with each step. It was painful for her to feel butterflies in her stomach as she walked. 

heart of desire ( harry j potter )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat