7.12 ∣ i will just let you down

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Today, Y/n had devoted it to trying to find the location of the Gryffindor sword, the more she thought about it. Going to Bellatrix's vault would be something easy for her to be able to do. She had discovered this Horcrux but didn't know how to destroy it. Regulus' diary was mostly helpful giving her some comfort during everything that she was trying to finish what he started. 

From all of these things, Y/n deduced that Ginny, and probably Neville and Luna along with her, had been doing their best to continue Dumbledore's Army. She didn't know how they were doing it along with Theodore and Grace because of the fact that she would go mad being back in school and having Snape take over the whole thing. 

The weather was growing colder and colder; even from inside of the cabin it didn't have heat that would save her in a snowstorm it barely fought over the bitterness in the air. How had fallen on the curst land, with it connecting to the trees? She had been waiting for Alphard to come back from the supermarket he had gone out to get food in. 

Without Alphard around she could barely talk to anyone keeping everything inside of her journal even sometimes talking out loud to herself. Flipping through her journal from back in the second year, there was a symbol she had just noticed in the corner of the page. 

Grabbing onto Regulus' book quickly getting up from the couch and rushing over to the table she opened the book and looked at the same image that was in the corner of the book. 

Triangle, with a circle barring the inside of it, decorated with a line going in the middle of everything. "Bloody Hell," Y/n muttered realizing she had never felt more stupid in her life. 

It was a story that she had grown up upon; being told by her mother and Kreacher. "Elder Wand," Y/n had traced it with her finger trying to recall everything she had learned. "The Resurrection Stone..." Continuing to train the circle. 

Her mouth almost went dry, remembering the final thing. "The Cloak of Invisibility..." Harry's cloak that he had gotten from Dumbledore in his first year. It was a Deathly Hallow. 

Harry needed the last two artifacts to become the master of death. Thinking back at it, Y/n remembers that Hermione had the 'Beedle and the Bard' story that was given by Dumbledore. 

Everything that was given to them had a purpose it was Dumbledore. In Hermione's book The Tale of the Deathly Hallows, Harry gets a snitch that he won and she doesn't quite remember what Ron got. 

Right on time, Alphard had walked back into the cabin closed the door behind him, and placed the bags down on the table eyeing Y/n up knowing that something was wrong. "Do I need to ask? or..." 

"Deathly Hallows," Y/n placed both of the books next to her side by side, "Regulus started to draw it, in the corner of his books when everything had started...that isn't a coincidence, that in an extra book that I have taken from my brother has it in the corners, he didn't finish this book because he died." 

"It's a symbol of Dark Magic, no wonder why your brother would be drawing it." He tried to shove off as something that was normal for them. Y/n took a second looking at the symbols closer. "But-" Picking her head up she turned looking at Alphard. "It's a specific Dark Magic, one that helped cheat death" 

Thinking about it with furrowed eyebrows, trying to understand everything being said to her. "Harry cheated Death when he was a baby" Pointing out the famous story about him. "These things were almost called to him; I mean...he has the cloak already" 

"Harry has the cloak?!" Alphard raised his eyebrows, shocked by this new information.  A hum had resurfaced from Y/n's mouth nodding her head. "He just needs the last two, that's how he defeats Voldemort...But don't confuse it; the Hallows are not the Horcux's." 

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