5.13 ∣ funny feeling

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Apparently, Kreacher had been lurking in the attic. A dust-covered Kreacher was found up there, no doubt looking for more Black family relics to hide in his cabinet. The discovery made Y/n uneasy and caused Kreacher to stay out of the attic for some time. Upon his return, Kreacher seemed to be in a better mood, his bitter muttering had subsided, and he complied with orders more docilely than usual, though once or twice Y/n caught him staring enthusiastically at Harry even as he quickly turned away.

On New Year, Y/n had no time to speak with Sirius because she wasn't bothered by anyone but Grace and Theodore. While they brought her food, she simply sat in her room. Grace said that Sirius had not been seen nor heard from that day. 

As the date for their departure back to Hogwarts drew nearer. The fact was that she was dreading returning to Hogwarts for the first time in her life. In resuming her studies, she would once again be subject to Dolores Umbridge. The fact that she would barely see Harry, knowing he would go back to the meetings and keep everyone in the dark.

It was still impossible for her to speak to Sirius, and this was what she wanted to do before returning to Hogwarts. 

They were to return to Hogwarts on the Knight Bus escorted once again by Tonks and Remus, both of whom were eating breakfast in the kitchen when Y/n, Grace and Theodore arrived, there the next morning. "What's happening?" Grace asked looking at them. 

Harry turned away from Ron and Hermione. "Snape wants me to take lessons..." Harry explained looking at them. The three Slytherin's furrowed their eyebrows. "Occlumency lessons" Y/n glanced over to her two friends while Grace furrowed her eyebrows more looking at her food. 

"What?" Grace asked

"Occlumency..." Theodore said placing his fork down, "It's magic of closing one's mind against Legilimency. It is ancient and had existed since medieval times. It could prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them. A wizard or witch who practised this art was known as an Occlumens." 

"Woah..." Y/n said, "Okay...yeah that...mother made me take it when I was like three..." 

"Three?" Ron asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"We all had to...Sirius is skilled so was Reg-....you get the point-" Y/n said, going silent as Harry placed his hand into hers for comfort. 

"Well...Dumbledore wants to prevent you from having disturbing dreams about Voldemort," said Hermione. Well, you won't be sorry that you won't have them anymore, will you?"

"You mean extra lessons with Snape?" Ron inquired, sounding shocked. "I'd rather have the nightmares!"

"I agree," Grace replied, raising her hand slightly. 

"I agree with Hermione...worth a shot..." Y/n said looking over at her boyfriend who nodded looking down at his food. "But if Snap gives you any problems-" Harry grinned looking at his girlfriend causing her to furrow her eyebrows "What?" 

"Nothing...nothing-" He said shaking his head before glancing over to Sirius, who was talking to Remus and Tonks about something. 

Approximately one hour after everyone finished eating, Y/n, Grace, and Theodore finished packing in Y/n's room, while Y/n began packing books into Grace's trunk since she had insufficient space in her suitcase. Theodore sat on the bed and said, "You can charm it when you get back to Hogwarts," as the two girls finished packing.

"I've been thinking about doing so..." Y/n muttered sitting on top of Graces' trunk. "I'm going to try and talk to him...Sirius-" 

"Wonderful," Grace said turning to Y/n, "I'm tired of acting like he isn't the cooler sibling-" Y/n throw a pillow over at Y/n. "Other than you," Grace replied. 

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