5.16 ∣ epiphany

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This past holiday season, the weather became warmer, brighter, and breezier. Her mind was occupied with the words in a book as she hid near the black lake, hoping no one would bother her. Nevertheless, when examinations were approaching, she realized that the excuse was no longer valid. 

As the career advice session was approaching, Y/n did not look forward to having to tell Snape what her career goals were. She did not want to become a famous Quidditch player like Theodore or a stylist like Grace when she grew up. Her mother looked down upon what she wanted to do from the beginning of time. 

In the black lake, there was a squid that could be seen, it had never occurred to her before. The wind blew high and the first hairs on her head blew with the wind while her hair had been tied back into a ponytail. As the water slammed against the ground, the sounds of the crash echoed through the cloudless sky, which was a light grey colour. Chocolate sat by her side while looking down at the 'little woman' book trying to get her mind off of everything. 

"Hey," Someone called, Y/n looked away from the book and up at Harry who was standing walking over to her, sighed closing the book in her hand trying to save the spot it was at. "Can I join? I don't want to be bothered-" Harry showed her the Marauders map causing Y/n to grin a little shaking her head.

While Harry sat down next to her, Y/n nodded and placed her head on his arm as she opened the book again. Y/n muttered, "What's wrong?" Harry wrapped his arms around Y/n's body. 

"Snape reckons I can carry on by myself now I've got the basics..." Harry muttered. "With Occlumency"

"So you have stopped experiencing funny dreams?" said Y/n.

"Pretty much," Harry replied without looking at her. Y/n hummed throughout, knowing he was not telling the truth. "Snape called my mother a- well..." Y/n understood the context right away with her nodding, "Hadn't My father started it back simply because Sirius said he was bored? That's why Snape hates him."

"Yeah, Sirius was being a bastard to him..." Y/n explained, "We learned in the third year" 

Harry replied, "I understand, but Lupin had told me that he was the only person who could control Sirius and my father, and he was right... but he just sat there and allowed them to fool Snape." 

Considering Snape's hatred for Sirius and everything McGonagall has told her over the years, it made sense considering Sirius was a troublemaker in school. Even so, she was constantly reminded that at least Regulus was a decent individual. "My mother hated him..." 

"That sounds familiar," Y/n muttered, placing her head on Harry's shoulder, causing him to smile while turning pink. 

Harry said, "I thought my father was the one who inspired me...but he made people mad, and he made Snape into the person that he is today.". 

In response, Y/N looked at him and closed her book, saying, "Everyone makes mistakes, and you know that...you just decide who to forgive or not...." She added, "Besides if your mother can forget and love him still...then-" Y/n glanced at the Marauder's map which was sticking out of the side of Harry's pocket.

Harry replied, "I can", Y/n nodded before tenderly kissing Harry on the cheek. 

When it came to forgiving Sirius, she knew she had to follow her own advice. That was something that she had been striving to do since her conversation with Remus. As the two sat in silence, birdsong and the sound of waves crashing against the rock soothed their ears. "You're going to need career counselling from Snape?" 

"I'd rather talk to him about hair products," Y/n said with a snide smirk, causing Harry to laugh softly, closing the book and getting up while sitting on her knees. "Well, I don't fancy Healing, Or, or Auror, I cannot be trusted to perform them...but I believe you will be a fine defence teacher." 

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