4.16 ∣ the final task

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Mentions of
Cutting, Blood, Torturing

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About a month later, Y/n hasn't been the same since Walburga's death. During the course of the semester, she missed more classes than ever, spending most of her time in the dormitory and skipping most of her classes. Theodore had found out about her mother's death, but the news quickly spread throughout the school. Y/n (since Sirius was disowned) was the last member of the Noble House of Black.

Although it is true that when she was in her room, all she did was lie down and listen to the soft sounds of 'queen' in the background. In class, Y/n would usually have her robe and hoodie up when she wasn't in her room. This has resulted in a slight change in her appearance during the past few months. Harry would notice her in class, but Y/n would not look at him. She seemed unwilling to face anyone.

The current situation is that Y/n is sitting at the black lake with her hood up, reading the book placed on her lap. Wiping away any tears that may have fallen. Despite Grace and Theo's efforts to stay close to her, she primarily wanted to be left alone. She heard, "Hey..." Y/n glance over at Harry, who stood awkwardly before returning her attention to the book.

"Hi..." She said to him. Harry was a little surprised to hear her say something. When asked whether he missed her voice, he would not be able to lie. "I'm guessing you want to join?" He nodded while she nodded and Harry sat next to her. The Black Lake would be empty because no one would want to mess with the giant squid.

Harry glanced over to her as she sat next to him. "We can talk...only if you want to..." Harry said, looking out into the black lake. As Y/n closed her book, she focused all her attention on Harry and shook her head.

"I'm fine...getting over it-" She said, "There isn't really anything to talk about...everyone knows everything about it, counting the newspaper just came out" Once it was announced Rita Skeeter took the opportunity to try and get another interview from Y/n when it came to her mother.

Harry looked over to her, noticing the tense posture or the no posture she had, Y/n was slouching a little with her hands placed on her lap. He placed his arm on her waist holding her close. Y/n didn't hesitate before placing her head onto his shoulder. She knew it wasn't like nothing was stopping her now, and the feeling of guilt going away from her. She sunk into his arms.

As he glanced over to her, he noticed that she was not fighting to be in his arms. This made him smile a bit, happy that she might one day be his. "Your moth-"

"I don't want to talk about her," Y/n muttered, "especially now, I'm fine-" Harry looked over to her remembering the promise that he made to Sirius.

"Alright," He said, with a nod after silence had fallen. "If that's what you say..." She nodded once more, looking over at him and moving her head from his shoulder. "What?" He asked confused causing her to grin.

"Aw? wanted to lay longer?" Y/n joked with a grin, looking down at Harry while standing up. He nodded causing her to smile a little more this was the first time she did so after her mother's death. "Well...I have some laying down to do, and you 'ot to get ready for the third task...and again, would hate if you died-"

"Why have another bet?" Harry asked.

"No, I don't want to lose someone else, I care about-" she said boldly causing the boy to almost turning bright pink. Y/n's face heated up, "plus, I'm too lazy to make a bet right now-" Harry let out a small laugh, while Y/n nodded. "What? You wanted the truth"

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