4.2 ∣ trio's reunite

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After a few days had passed, Y/n and Theo are preparing to leave for the Newman house. The teenagers sat in the bedroom discussing what the new year will bring when Kreacher knocked. "Mistress said that Mr Newman is downstairs waiting for Master Y/n and Mr Nott." Kreacher said peeking into the room. 

"Thank you Kreacher," Y/n said, sitting up from the bed, causing Theo to sit up from the floor. "We are coming-" 

Kreacher nodded before turning around and leaving the bedroom. "Do you have a dress robe, for the ball?" Y/n asked turning to Theo, while the two grabbed their trunks with their school supplies, and etc. Since they were leaving from the world cup to the platform.

Theo shook his head, "I may just get a normal dress robe in Diagon Alley," He explained, "I do not need anything too expensive." They still hadn't decided whether to attend the ball together, since they did not know much about it yet.

"Do you think, Grace, knows about it?" Y/n said, grabbing her trunk and tote bag before the two left her bedroom with Theo closing the door behind him. 

"No, or she forgot" 

After reaching the main floor, she nodded as they made their way down to the living room. Theo followed Y/n into the living room. They heard, two adults, talking in the other room. "Y/n, and Theo nice to see you both again," Mr Newman said, he was a tall man with blonde short hair.

"Nice to see you" 

"Hello, Mr Newman"

Theo and Y/n both smiled at the man a little. There was no comparison between Mr Newman and Walburga; he was much more welcoming. "Well, are you two ready?" They nodded before Walburga turned to Y/n giving her a sharp look, causing the girl to nod turning back to the man. "Is it okay, if we use the floo? Walburga?" 

"Yes, that is fine," The woman said, "I should before the game starts"

Y/n nodded, looking over her mother while Mr Newman grabbed the Floo Powder near the Fireplace. "Theo, why don't you go first...Reckon Grace is waiting on the other side-" He explained holding out the powder. Theo nodded before grabbing the powder and standing in the fireplace. 

After repeating the address, Y/n saw the bright green flames engulf him as he threw down the powder. For just a moment, she was glad to get away from Grimmauld Place. She never understood why it never felt like a real home to her. The (y/s/c) girl stepped into the fireplace after glancing over at her mother knowing she wasn't going to get a hug from her or any goodbyes. Her eyes closed after repeating the address out loud. 

Y/n was engulfed with green flames. This was her last glimpse of the living area, in which her mother, as well as Mr Newman, were engaging in talks. 

In the following moment, Y/n began spinning very fast, and Grimmauld Place's living room was swept out of view in a rush of emerald-green flames. While she spun faster and faster, elbows tucked tightly to her sides, blurred fireplaces flashed in front of her until she felt sick. Once Y/n sensed herself slowing, she threw out her hands and suddenly came to a stop in time to avoid falling into Grace's living area. 

"Y/n!" Grace shouted, causing Y/n to focus and then see the girl who had longer hair about to her chest. 


The two girls embraced each other before Grace placed a kiss on Y/n's cheek. "Ok, you too," Theo said, walking over to them holding a glass of water. "Water?" Y/n pulled away from Grace before studying the boy she just saw. 

"Where did you get the water? So fast?" 


The living area broke out into a burst of small laughter. The Newman's didn't have a manor, just a normal family house. There weren't any pictures of Grace as a baby, because the girl wasn't comfortable with having any baby pictures or from the first year, around. Y/n thought it looked like a nice, muggle house but when you walked in Mr Newman would be cleaning with magic while trying to read the daily prophet. "Is your mother here yet?" 

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