7.15 ∣ glorious purpose

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The next morning, Y/n had woken up with a familiar touch causing her to open her eyes and try to move out of the person's touch before tiredly opening her eyes to realize that it was Harry that was right under her. 

Upon realizing this she had not said anything putting her head back down on his clothed chest. The sounds of Ron's snoring made sure she didn't fall back asleep. Lifting her head she had taken a second with Harry moving his hand on her waist. 

Not wasting a second she had moved from his grip straddling him to get out of the inner bed. "I'm hungry" Harry took a second to smile to himself since she was back with him. 

Putting on his glasses, he looked at her from the distance and saw her making her way to the kitchen in shorts and his shirt. On her way, she grabbed the blanket and covered Ron's head with it to make sure she didn't get annoyed with the snores. 

When she grabbed her some water along with whatever food she had winded up finding in the fridge. Time passed with Hermione's anger not going down at all during the night time meaning the walk that the two of them went on didn't help with anything. 

Later in the afternoon; Ron and Harry were picking nonexistent blackberries. Hermione was talking to Y/n about how she was feeling about everything, along with getting her up to date. "Harry visited James and Lily's grave?" Y/n didn't question but mostly resaid everything. 

"Yeah, He thought it had something to do with everything," Hermione muttered more under her voice almost trying to hide it. "But we were attacked by a snake..." 

Furrowing her eyebrows she had lifted her head from the blackberries. "How big was it?" she questioned, Hermione stared at her confused about what she was saying; not knowing why she was asking this kind of question. 

"Maybe about the length of our tent." She confessed. 

Staring down; Y/n was thinking about it. "Nagini?" Remembering the larger snake that Voldemort had winded up taking everywhere never leaving the dark lord's side not even when he was going to sleep. 


Was there maybe a reason why Nagini didn't leave his side? "My mother used to tell me about her story of her, she was a female human maledistus, and winded up getting stuck as a snake..." Silently becoming quiet and thinking about everything on her own. 

"Y/n if you know something, tell us" 

Shaking her head she didn't say anything, knowing the fact that when she did tell Harry or even Ron that Nagini might be a Horcrux then they might try to go after her but since she never was not on the side of Voldemort no one would dare to have a second without him. 

"There was a dog last night, when I was by myself it led me to the lake" Y/n admitted to Hermione not wanting to say anything to Harry to get his hopes up. "I think it was Sirius." 

Hermione didn't laugh like she thought the girl was going to count all she did was make fun of anything Luna had wind up saying about the things that she saw that sounded almost crazy. Because the fact that Sirius is still looking out for her was almost haunting counting how they left off. 

Since Sirius was trapped in the veil it wouldn't make sense for his soul to be out of it and she knew that. But there were a lot of things she had thought she knew leading up to this moment just for all of it to turn into nothing but some kind of folklore of her past. 

Burning slowly pressed into her forearm causing her to flinch a little bit as she tried to ignore the pain like she had been doing every time it started burning. If she winded up showing it attention then maybe Voldemort would know that she was truly not dead. 

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