5.1 ∣ the truth in secrets

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In the morning, Y/n woke up later than usual, returning to sleep after waking up early the previous day. 

A yawn released from her lips as she got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. When she had finished making herself up, the smell of eggs filled her nostrils, causing her to furrow her brows. Turning the knob of the door, she walked out of the bathroom, making her way down the creaking steps.

As she turned into the kitchen/dining area, she saw Mrs Weasley, a plump, shorter woman with orange hair and wearing vintage clothing, preparing breakfast. 

For a moment, Y/n forgot that the Weasley family and other people were staying at Grimmauld Place due to the order of the Phoenix. 

In an apparation behind Y/n, Fred Weasley said, "Hey Black.", which caused the girl to turn over and gaze at both twins.

"Hello Black," George offered, causing Y/n to shake her head and walk over to the empty table. "Rude-"

"Sorry, that strangers...are in my house-" Y/n muttered crossing her legs while looking at the two twins before they joined her sitting at the table.

"Good morning, Fred and George," Mrs Weasley said, "I'm checking your room, today-"

The twins exchanged glances before leaving the room, causing Y/N to huff. The tiny house elf walked into the kitchen, furrowing his brows and mumbling as he watched Mrs Weasley prepare dinner. "Kreacher-" Y/n called, causing the elf to turn to her, "I haven't received any mail here are you sure?"

"Kreacher hasn't taken the mail-" He turned to Y/n and said, "Blood traitor, takes mail and checks it before delivering it."

"Which one?"

"Y/n, you have a pile of mail over there-" Mrs Weasley spoke not looking at the girl but nodding over at the table, causing her to get up from the table and go over picking up all of the mail which had her name on It, there were about three letters, she peeled the seals before looking down at it.


Hello, one of my closest mates-
I am just writing to check on you, since
I know that you are staying with Sirius. but if you were not
then how dare you, after I asked you to stay with me.

Anyways, how is the summer going, reckon you and Sirius
got into about ten thousand fights already, stay sane until
we meet at the platform.


As Y/n inspected the letter, she grinned, before putting it aside and turning to the next letter which had been mailed to her, but it did not appear to be written by Grace.

Dear Y/n

I don't know if you are going to get this, or not.
But Ron and Hermione haven't written to me this summer,
so I was going to try and reach out to you, even though I
wanted to at the beginning of the summer, but didn't know
how to say anything.

Sirius hasn't mailed me either, even though I know that
you didn't want anything to do with Sirius, I just thought
that maybe you cant tell him if the letter didn't get through.

I can't lie, if someone asked if I missed you, Summer has been

boring at the Dursley's all they do is complain, plus Dudley has
been giving me a hard time. I've been having these nightmares, and
Dudley has been making them worse.


Seeing the letter from Harry, the girl couldn't help but feel her face begin to heat up. "Who wrote that?" he asked, looking over to Remus, "You seem really pleased to receive a letter.".

heart of desire ( harry j potter )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon