6.14 ∣ happiness is a rare thing

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"What happened to him?" asked Y/n, gazing at Harry as the two stood in the corridor closet.

On this evening, there was a lowered level of noise in the castle, indicating that Ron was laying in the hospital wing.

In the meantime, Harry pulled Y/N inside the closet while she was seeking a smoke outside, while they caught up on each other's lives.

Harry had explained to Y/n what was happening to him.

"I told you," Harry reiterated once more, "He was drugged with a love poison then, drugged by wine that Slughorn had given him."

In response to Y/N's query, "How was the wine, Slughorn drugged?" she crossed her arms, "Did Slughorn try to drug Ron?"

"Y/n," Harry replied, as she had heard what had happened to Ron and was more confused than anyone in the castle could have been. "Slughorn didn't drug Ron, but someone wanted to poison Dumbledore-"

Her ears had been filled with what she needed to hear, that was what the dark lord knew about, and that was what had gone wrong late last night.

Her understanding of everything was beginning to make sense now. 

Draco gave Slughorn the bottle believing he would give it to Dumbledore, and that would have been an easy method of killing him without having to face him.

There was no way for Draco to face him...

"Wait," she said, trying to change the subject so that Harry would not bring up the possibility of Draco's involvement. "What was drugged love potion doing in your room?"

"Romilda Vane, she left a note with the tarts that he ate" Harry explained, leaning on the door and looking at his girlfriend. 

As she smiled, she bit her lower lip to prevent herself from laughing, nodding her head knowing that she was the one who was with Harry and not Romilda Vane.

With a grin on her face, she simply said, "Good to know," as Harry shook his head in agreement.


She interrupted him and said, "Huh?", knowing that he was going to try to prevent her from doing anything to the girl. "I'm not going to do anything if you wanted to know- I was just about to go and have a smoke"

A sigh escaped Harry's lips as he shook his head knowingly.

"I'm going to go back to the hospital wing," He said, looking over at Y/n, who nodded in understanding. "Fred and George are here, for Ron and I bet they have questions about what happened"

"Sluggy isn't a death eater by the way," She said reading his mind, messing with the sleeve of the grey flannel that she was wearing. 

As she pursed her lips together, Harry stopped looking at her, "I know you are thinking about it."

Harry asked, "I was wondering if you knew anything else about him.".

"Stop integrating me, Har- I know nothing," She said shaking her head, "I know it's shocking but I didn't grow up reading the newspapers of Voldemort like Regulus did," She said referring to the newspaper clipping on his wall of the dark lord.

"I know," Harry said with a sigh, before leaning forward and connecting their lips for a second, kissing her deeply while she placed her hand on his cheek, the metal of her rings pressing on his cheek before they both pulled away. 

"I love you,"

"I love you too," She said letting go of him, as he moved his hands away from her turning out of the closet and walking out making sure no one was watching him.

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