7.19 ∣ grace and theodore

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Y/n's feet touched the road with the heels she was wearing still on her feet from the Bellatrix outfit. She  saw the achingly familiar Hogsmeade High Street: dark shop fronts, the mist line of black mountains beyond the village, and the curve in the road ahead that led off toward

Hogwarts, and light spilling from the windows of the Three Broomsticks, and with a lurch of the heart,  The air was rent by a scream that sounded like Voldemort's when he had realized the cup had been stolen.

The four were beneath the Cloak squished together. "Let me go out there, I can get you guys to safety." 

Ron hushed back to her in a low but spitful tone. "They're going to see a ghost." 

"You're not going out there, it's walking into a target" Harry warned the girl, she didn't say anything smirking at him. 

He didn't understand where this new Y/n was coming from taking more risks than she usually did. "Get to safety." Was her last muttered before moving herself out of the cloak becoming visible to the public. 

Harry tried to put his hand out stopping her with Y/n being too fast to exit the cloak. Once she entered the world everything felt like eyes darted at her, Y/n walked down the street her wand placed inside of her hand hiding inside of the shirt. 

"Well, well, she's alive" The taunts of a Death Eater had caught her attention with Y/n turned to see two unknown Death Eaters that she knew about but never had a conversation with. Laughing before wrapping his hand around her wrist stopping her from moving. "Potter with you," 

Pouting her bottom lip turned into a head shake. "Mhm" 

"She's lyin'," His friend said spitting out. "Take her in, her cousin has been waiting for her." 

Trying not to show the fear that was inside of her; Y/n was thankful she grew up having to hide her feelings. Staring at this man with a blank face waiting for him to do something to her. "The Dark Lord wants Potter dead with no hands that aren't his--...now where is the boy, Save yourself." Hoping that Hermione, Ron, and Harry had gotten past her at this point already.

"I....don't....know" Blinking away from him before gaining eye contact one more time. 

Her eyes landed on the Dementors floating in the air protecting Hogwarts; now she was wanted probably by them.  Quickly the Death Eater holding onto her noticed this. "Following your brother's guide ain't ya." His teeth were revealed to be rotten as he smirked towards her. "Send ya off to them, right?" 

"Not a good idea," His friend noted. "She knows where Harry Potter is." Shaking her head she had bit her lip ever so slightly. Suddenly a Silver Stag started running down the street of Hogsmeade causing everyone's attention to turn in the direction of the stag. 

The Dementors scattered and there was a triumphant yell from somewhere out of sight "It's him, down there, I saw his Patronus, it was a stag! Take her to the dark lord!" The one holding onto Y/n had pointed out before letting go of her wrist and running towards the stag. 

Finally taking her wand out of her sleeve, Y/n placed it on the Death Eater's neck. "Imperius" A small red spark appeared from her wand clinging onto the neck of this man. "Get me into the castle in one piece...," 

"I understand." The redhead Death Eater now pointed out beginning to walk, Y/n put her wand into her small bag and continued walking after him keeping her eye on everything that was around her. 

The Death Eaters strode back towards the High Street. Hermione moaned with relief, wove out from under the Cloak, and sat down on a wobble-legged chair. Harry drew the curtains then pulled the Cloak off himself and Ron. "What about Y/n," Harry whispered not wanting to leave her behind. 

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