Chapter 142

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The Contract

Chapter 142

Here, Rodolphus said, passing his husband a cup of coffee, he looked like he could use it. Hed returned through the Floo pale, shaken and extremely quiet. It was not like him whatsoever; Sirius was bull-headed stubborn and opinionated. He liked to be heard put it that way. As if he had to shout his opinion to the world because it wasnt listening. The only thing that stopped him outright panicking was the lack of shaking, a sure sign of the use of Cruciatus curse. Their Lord didnt use it often anymore except for real bad screw ups. Still, it had been his first thought seeing him coming through the Floo over two hours ago. Are you ready to talk yet? hed asked for a few moments to think, and he had granted his husband that. Not that hed be able to get anything out of him before he was good and ready anyways. He was deeply curious though.

Sirius accepted the cup, smiling, although it came out more of a grimace. His gaze turned back to Harry and the twins. They were drawing and doodling on the floor, crayons, felt tip pens, pens, inks and stamps strewn everywhere above a large piece of parchment and colouring in books. It was the most peaceful hed ever seen Harry. The most carefree.

Are you hurt? Rodolphus asked, his concern evident in his tone, even if he had kept it hidden, not wishing to alarm the twins or even Harry at that. Not that Harry would have been dramatic about it, he reckoned that Harry understood their Lord the best out of them all.

Oh, no, not like that, Sirius emphatically shook his head, Just a bit of a mess up here, index finger pointing towards his mind. His entire world had shifted on its axis, and he wasnt sure how to deal with it. The bitter anger and disappointment he still felt at his best friends lingering like a gaping wound incapable of healing. He feared he may be stuck this way, and it wasnt what he wanted, he didnt want to be angry at them for Merlins sake.

I dont understand, Rodolphus confessed, and he didnt. What exactly were you doing? cupping his hands around the warm cup of coffee. Very conscious of where the twins were, children should never be made aware of dangers, anger or stressful situations not unless it would deeply impact them. Children wouldnt be fearful or stressed, it could affect their magic, their growth, and children were so good at picking up clues around adults.

Sirius sighed, unable to keep silent any longer, through torturing himself. He shuffled closer to his husband, and leant his head closer to his so that they may converse without other ears hearing. The ritual that Harry used to bring your mum-

Mother, Rodolphus couldnt help but comment, mum was far too plebian a word, hed never use that term for his mother.

Sirius huffed out a little laugh, Fine, your mother, I had asked Harry earlier you know, why he hadnt tried to do the same with his parents

Rodolphus eyebrows rose, interest rising with it, listening intently.

It turns out Harry had actually tried to summon them, you know, Sirius sighed, brushing his hand through his hair tiredly. When he told meI couldnt believe it, I mean, come on, they were my best friends, but I knew Harry would never lie.

About what exactly? Trying to summon them? Rodolphus questioned perplexed, not quite able to keep up with Sirius process, he wasnt exactly the best of wizards when it came to telling takes. Well, unless you asked about his time at Hogwarts.

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