Chapter 26

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The Contract

Chapter 26

Flitwick unsurprisingly made a prompt appearance at the due time for the meeting Corvus had set up. Both curious and worried, he hadnt heard anything over the holidays, not that hed had a chance to worry overly much due to his intense gruelling duelling tournament hed participated in. Normally he couldnt participate due to the fact his Ravenclaws might need him during the winter holidays, but to his delight, for once, each of his Ravenclaws had elected to return home. Thus, he had no obligation to remain at Hogwarts, its partly why hed been quick to ask Harry if anything had happened.

Lord Lestrange, thank you for inviting me into your home, Flitwick said politely, before turning to face Harry, looking up at the wizard, How are you feeling? genuinely concerned for the young boy, his start at Hogwarts hadnt been a good one.

Corvus let the rudeness go, he had been polite even if he hadnt waited for an answer before talking to Harry. Would you like some refreshments while we talk or must you hasten back to Hogwarts? he was aware that they had meetings and such to get through.

Harry immediately glanced at Corvus, waiting for an answer, not interrupting the proceedings.

I certainly wouldnt be against a cuppa! Flitwick said, There is nothing that requires my immediate attention until my presence is required at the feast tonight.

Then please sit, I shall be back momentarily, Corvus said graciously, giving them a few minutes to talk alone. Harry was quite correct, Flitwick didnt trust him, but he sure as hell trusted him more than he had when they had their initial meeting. How could he not when he could clearly see the progress Harry was making? With that he vacated his office, leaving them to talk, making his way to the kitchen to inform the House-elves to make something for them.

How are you doing? Filius asked, his tone changing completely from professional to truly concerned.

I love it here! Harry positively beamed, You dont have to worry about me! Promise!

What do you normally do? Filius asked, curiously.

Read, of course! Harry said, a fond smile on his face, Corvus lets me tend to all the animals with him, its a lot of fun. Hes teaching me all about things Ill need to know when I become Lord Potter when Im older. Hed teaching me how to play chess and other fun games, like Gobstones! not a single pout came to his face even while telling Filius about his boring lessons on being Lord Potter.

And the prison visits? Filius asked, glancing at the door unobtrusively.

What about them? Harry asked frowning, perplexed as to why Filius was acting squirrely.

Are you treated well there? Does Rabastan treat you right? Filius asked, well, they were prisoners, had been in prison for a decade. That sort of thing did a lot to the mind, whether they meant it or not, they could be mentally scarring Harry or worse physically. Harry had been abused his whole life, he might not see it the way an outsider does.

Oh! Well, Rabastan helps me learn Ancient Runes, he loves it himself, Ive bought him dozens of books on the subject. His dad even more! Ive Owl Ordered a trunk that will allow him to put them away safely instead of them lining up hisroom. The amount thats been bought well, theyre piling up. Harry explained, he loved buying things for Rabastan, for anyone really, it hadnt been easy to buy for Corvus but hed done it.

You like him, Filius observed, not sure how he felt about that, an eleven-year-old boy who couldnt conceive the horror of what the boys had done.

Not everything is as it seems, Professor, Harry said softly, Nobody really knows what happened that night except them. They were tried together, something that is illegal, three of the perpetrators werent given trials, they were condemned due to Bellatrix Lestranges insanity. Im not saying theyre innocent, far from it, butwell, its just not what you think. Now its too late for one of them. Barty Crouch had died, and it had devasted the brothers who had liked him, mostly Rabastan who had been good friends with him.

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