Chapter 34

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The Contract

Chapter 34

Wednesday came much too quickly for Corvus or Harrys liking. It was a week that just kept on getting worse, for him. Yesterday the Dark Lord finally admitted defeat and confessed to Harry that he had failed to find anything that could remove the Horcrux within him. Reassuring him however, that he wasnt in any danger to its presence, and if anything big or small changed with it, to alert him immediately. True to Corvus word, Harry wasnt at all surprised to hear that there was nothing they could do, otherwise it would have been done by now.

Are you alright? Corvus asked, having been a mite more protective and watchful of Harry since his breakdown a few days ago. If anything, Corvus had probably came out the worst of it, it had been a wake up call the lasting damage that Dursleys had done. It was pretty stupid of him to think for a moment that over a decades worth of abuse had been simply washed away because he was out of the horrid situation. Already jumping to ask him if he was alright the second he stepped into the dining room.

Ill be fine, Harry said, his smile a little brittle, still horrified and embarrassed by his display days ago. Not the accidental magic, no, in fact, Harry had never felt more normal, just hearing about Corvus and Voldemorts and even the Lestrange brothers accidental magical displays. If anything it had amused him, so much so that hed revealed his own bouts of accidental magic. He refrained from telling them about the consequences, but both men knew without needing to be told.

Did you sleep at all last night? Corvus asked, watching Harry take his seat, refraining from sighing, judging by the racoon eyes he guessed not.

A little, Harry admitted, worry shadowing his eyes.

Corvus bit back the words he so desperately wanted to let loose. At least it would be over tonight, Harry would know what was happening. It was definitely the uncertainty that was getting to the young one, Corvus absolutely refused to lose Harry to Sirius Black. Even if it meant playing dirty, then so be it, hed do it. He already had a dozen or so suggestions as to why Black would make a piss poor magical guardian.

It seems we have our answers on how Dumbledore has been keeping in touch with those on the outside. Voldemort commented, as he wandered into the room with his usual regal air. This would be his last day here, hed be returning to his own estate until he could safely stay at Hogwarts, he had been here for convenience only, while they researched the Horcruxes looking for answers and information.

Oh? Corvus asked, turning to the Dark Lord, curious himself, they knew it wasnt Aberforth so it begged the question, how was Dumbledore passing on letters or information whenever he liked.

It seems Dumbledore has his own people guarding Azkaban prison, weve identified at least two, Voldemort explained, giving a curt nod Harry, as he sat down. We have evidence of hands offs of letters and parcels. Its just a matter of deciding whether to catch him now, or wait until we can identify them all.

He might only have the two, most of the others were employed because of theirsympathies. Corvus pointed out, Admittedly most of them are higher up, with good reason. It gave the Death Eaters respite really.

There are still at least three unknown at this point, Voldemort pointed out, hed checked out everyone else and knew they werent aiding Dumbledore. Once we have determined whether they are working with him or not, the information will be passed to the appropriate authorities. They would immediately check Dumbledores cell, and those he was using would lose their job effective immediately. The gleam of the vials catching his attention as he glanced briefly at Harry as he drank his allotted medication for the morning.

Make it so theyre on rotation this afternoon then, the quicker you find them then the easier this will be to completely seclude Dumbledore and stop him interfering with our plans. Corvus suggested, pursed lips, Merlin, he loathed Dumbledore and his constant ability to interfere despite being incarcerated. It didnt truly surprise him, of course, but he could have done without it. who knows whether he was guiding the Wizengamot into voting so that Sirius Black gained custody of Harry. He couldnt promise the boy everything was going to be alright, because even he wasnt sure of the outcome.

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