Chapter 52

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The Contract

Chapter 52

Sirius stared at Corvus from his position at his godson's feet, still there despite no longer begging for forgiveness. It was quite nice, the feeling of those fingers scraping at his scalp. It had been such a long time since he'd been touched – more than just clinically – and as lovely as the healers and Medi-witches and Medi-wizards were, their touches never lingered, they'd never risk their jobs. It stunned him to realize that Harry was the first person to actually touch him outside of prisoner wardens, guards and healers for such a long time. It didn't deter him from getting answers though.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather live in denial, Mr. Black?" Corvus questioned, he'd never been given permission to use his first name. Well, technically untrue, after all Corvus had been good friends with the Black's and had been there for his christening, and he'd been given permission then to use Sirius, calling a baby Mr. Black was quite a mouthful, especially amongst close friends which Orion did consider him.

Sirius frowned, gave turning from Corvus to Harry, wondering on that statement. More to do with what it implied rather than what he'd said. He naturally quite often went into denial, it was his 'go to' response really. He knew he couldn't do it here; he couldn't risk losing Harry foreverHarry was his godson, the only person he had left. James and Lily were gonePettigrew had betrayed themRemus had betrayed him and Harry by inactivity, and thus Lily and James too. Licking his dry lips, they'd been in awful shape since prison, all the salt water he thought. "I need to know," he informed Corvus, staring at the wizard grimly. He had to know just how his godson had gotten embroiled with Corvus Lestrange and how much he'd been manipulated. If he was being manipulated. The thought popped up in his thoughts.

"Very well, if that is what you desire," Corvus agreed, "Now why don't you reclaim your seat and we can continue this conversation amicably?" once again, the thinly veiled warning was laid bare for Sirius to hear.

Harry it seemed, was familiar with that tone of voice at least. Since he was suppressing a grin, the sly little fucker. He was amused by Corvus' threatening him. Just wait, he'd find a way to prank the little brat and get him back for sticking to Corvus' side. He thought, entirely good-naturedly.

Harry stood, helping Sirius to his feet, but the wizard gripped the side of the chair and used that to get up. Knowing just how fragile his godson really was, who could blame him for not wanting to accidentally hurt him more? Hell, he was a full-grown adult wizard, he weighted a lot. Well, compared to other adult wizards, no, he was considered underweight, but not dangerously so.

At least not anymore.

Once he was seated again, he didn't dare pick up the food, but he did take up his coffee. The warmth was lovely, and he drank it because it was able to warm him up inside, which was the best feeling in the world. He'd never once drank Coffee or Tea before Azkaban. "So, when exactly did you both meet?"

Corvus felt a subtle smirk stretching at his mouth, as he glanced at the teenager. It was his actions that had brought them together. Truth be known, he'd forgotten about the contract, at least consciously. Arching a brow in silent query, did Harry wish to begin the tale or should he? He was here at Harrys behest after all, to help him if he needed it, back up, a shoulder so that he didn't get overwhelmed.

"I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter, after days upon days of Vernon refusing to give it to me. He tried ripping them up, more came, set fire to them, more continued to come. In the end he thought moving out of the house would accomplish it. We stayed at a hotel that night, and sacks full of letters came addressed for me. Then Vernon decided in his wisdom that going out to a shack in the middle of the ocean was exactly what was required to beat the magical world at its own game." Harry said, "It was an amusing few days despite the constant complaints of Dudley, I didn't think Vernon was able to go that colour" a thoughtful tone to his voice.

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