Chapter 123

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The Contract

Chapter 123

Rabastan stared down at Harry, refraining from reacting further, mentally reminding himself that Harry was still underage. "It was perfect," he murmured, his voice slightly hoarse as he forces himself to think of the grossest things in his life in order to get his erection under control. Low even breaths' his grip on his intended's hips tight, when he realized he loosened his hold. Feeling Harry's rather obvious interest. He remembered the expectations to be 'perfect' at everything just because he was a boy. To know what he was doing, but the reality was it took a lot of experimenting – especially seeing as everyone was different – to figure it all out. He got it though, since Witches were expected to remain 'pure' while wizards 'sowed their wild oats' and yes, he'd done plenty of that, nowadays those sorts of vows weren't enforced. His father had though, enforced the purity clause, not expecting anything to come of their courtship but still not wanting anything more to stain the family name. Having both sons in Azkaban with no possible heir to take over the family name, the family name couldn't have been more stained.

Brushing Harry's hair gently from his face, carding his hand through his hair, holding him in place and allowing himself to enjoy this rare slice of closeness he'd denied them both so long and must continue to do so. He'd avoided being in a room alone with Harry, which wasn't really fair, he knew what it was like to be a teenager, admittedly it was rather later (puberty) than his own. However, he knew from his father that the healers had implied it might be a tad bit later due to his malnutrition. Gaze greedily taking in the flushed cheeks, Merlin, he was a stunning creature, a lovely combination of the Black and Potter with stunning green eyes to add to his allure.

"I've missed you," Harry said sincerely, green eyes wide as they stared up at Rabastan, nothing else mattered, feeling much calmer hearing Rabastan's reply. He couldn't deny he was so nervous, he had zero experience and everyone in Slytherin went on about getting experience and wellbooks he'd read about sexual matters made both partners to be experts in the matter. He wanted to be so good for Rabastanand didn't want him to regret anything, like being with him since he had zero experiencebut so far, he really liked what they'd done. Then there was the fact that his friends did have experience, and he didn't, until now he hadn't really had a single kiss. He pressed his face against those strong calloused hands and close his eyes. Rabastan smelt really good, then again, he always did. "You smell so good."

"And I, you," Rabastan murmured, thumb brushing up and down Harry's face, preening a little at the compliment he'd been paid. If he had been walking, he would have strutted. "I have a gift for you." he confessed, wishing to reveal that while he actually remembered. With Harry around, he often forgot what he wanted to say, not because of anything sexual, but Harry spoke with relish, excitement and happiness and it was distracting. He always filled in silence, telling him about his days, it had started from the very first visit to Azkaban.

"What is it?" Harry asked stepping back a little, green eyes alit with the mystery and suspense. He still wasn't used to gifts, no matter how often he was given them. Almost vibrating with excitement, eager to see what it was.

Rabastan chuckled, inwardly cursing and grateful to see that Harry was suitably distracted. He removed the envelope from his pocket and handed it over for Harry to inspect himself. Guiding him over the rather romantic set up, and making sure he sat down, but before he could move to sit across from him, Harry grabbed a hold of his wrist, and yanked as hard as he could. Grinning when Rabastan grunted and sat next to him. "You could have just asked," Rabastan said dryly, it wasn't very proper but who the hell cared? Their start hadn't exactly been proper either.

Harry cocked his head, "Would you have sat?" genuinely curious, the envelope half opened and unobserved for the moment, his entire attention on Rabastan. He already knew the answer, or rather suspected, Rabastan could be very proper, just like Corvus had raised him to be.

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