Chapter 10

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The Contract

Chapter 10

Corvus watched over Harry with a watchful penetrating gaze, that spoke of protectiveness and not just curiosity these days. Harry was becoming more outspoken, gaining strength not just bodily but in spirit. Not so shy as he gained confidence, he was beginning to develop his own opinions on everything, not just information he was gaining while learning. He wasnt being entirely self-taught, Corvus was aiding him when needed, encouraging it even, but when Harry needed help, he was there and teaching him all he needed to know. He was far from being an expert in anything, but the small amount of time hed been here, hed shown resilience and determination to learn all he could. He was extremely proud of the young boy, he had the grit and fortitude to plough through everything and overcome his shortcomings.

As they finished feeding the last of the others Harrys voiced pipped up. He had been ready to get Harry in for a rest – and if the past was any indication something to read – he was no longer needing naps every hour or so. Harry delighted in helping him care for the animals, whether it was letting them out to roam, getting them back in to feed them, or even brush their coats.

Whats in there? Harry asked, hed never been inside, and the time hed tried, it had stopped him in his tracks. He literally couldnt open the door to see for himself. Hed seen the rest of the animals, multiple times, Harry loves those hours where he and Corvus looked after the animals, not just looking after, interacting and Corvus told him everything he knew about them. Which was a lot, and he devoured any and all information Corvus gave him.

Ah, Im surprised youve taken so long to ask that question, Corvus didnt need to glance in the direction Harry was pointing towards. There was only one other outhouse out here. It was farther away from the other animals, and also secure as can be. Harry knew every nook and cranny of Lestrange Manor grounds, hed even fed the birds and swans upon the moat. He got exhausted, didnt stop when he suggested it, due to his ill health, but Harry refused to be deterred. Honestly, Corvus wasnt sure whether Harry had been allowed outside to just play, to investigate so he couldnt bring himself to order Harry away. Asking the healer for her opinion, Millicent suggested as long as he was eating and doing his exercises that he should just let Harry set his own pace. Although, if he ended up falling and hurting himself, then definitely put a stop to his active wanderings. So far, Harry had been aware of his own limitations and that was enough for him. when he wasnt outside investigating he was buried in a book or eating – even both which Corvus definitely didnt approve of – considering it wasnt his precious books worth thousands of Galleons he didnt protest. Outwardly at least.

Harry glanced up at Corvus, who was like a giant compared to him, he was lucky if he came mid-chest if he stretched up. Is it dangerous? it was the only thing he could deduce. It had to be really dangerous though, since some of them Corvus had let him see were deemed dangerous but maybe he was just being careful.

All animals had the capacity to be dangerous, Corvus said, especially if you dont treat them with respect.

They are, as a matter of fact, inside that hut, is where I keep the snakes, Runespoor, their venom is very sought after, as is their eggs, Corvus stated, Theyre extremely venomous and rathertemperamental, at least from what he could deduce from their hissing at any rate.

Snakes? Harry perked up immediately, eyes wide with wonder, Can I see? Please? his green eyes pleading with Corvus his desire evident.

Of course, Corvus agreed, instantly giving into Harrys begging. He would have hated himself if not for the fact he felt true fondness for the child. He was going soft, his sons would have been laughing at him if they had been there to see this. Laughing or judging him either way, not that hed been able to deny his sons anything either.

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