Chapter 126

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The Contract

Chapter 126

"The Portkey will activate in five minutes," Rabastan called out to Harry, who was in the bedroom getting dressed. They hadn't left much time for themselves to get ready. He smoothed down the lapels of his robes, surprised to find himself a little anxious. This was their first real date, and it sent his stomach swooping, the desire to make sure everything went right was strong. It was probably better this way, to have a proper date (the Hogsmeade lunch just didn't count in his book even if the restaurant was expensive) before their engagement party.

Glancing down at his hand, the Lestrange bonding band would appear on his finger when they were wed. Until then, a lovely band Harry had chosen for him was housed on his finger. The ring practically screamed that he was taken, that he was off the market. A betrothal ring, Harry had had his own for far longer, since entering into the contract. It was done purely to keep him safe, and to ward off undesirables, especially now. It was a real genuine bonding, not just in name in an attempt to help each other.

No more Azkaban, no more hurt and pain, it was just him and Harry. Although, he was going to have to deal with the Dursley's. He shouldn't have let them off with it too long. Unfortunately, life had proven to be quite hectic between gaining Masteries and recovering fully from the effects of over a decade in Azkaban. The fact Harry never mentions them didn't help matters either.

"Just a second!" Harry called back; his voice slightly muffled.

Rabastan nodded despite nobody being there for him to see. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, sighing softly. His feet ached; they'd been on the move since about six o'clock this morning. They'd sat down for perhaps half an hour of it, to have a coffee and bite to eat. He'd take a potion once they'd eaten something substantial. To take it on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea, that and he had to wait for the other potion he'd taken to soothe his stomach to run its course. It never used to be an issue; it was just since Azkaban that it had been problematic.

"I'm ready!" Harry said, swooping out the bathroom, a bellow of steam following in his wake. He was fully dressed in resplendent black robes, crisp white shirt, with a blue waistcoat with black books dancing up the sides. To finish the look a black cloak that was half closed before flaring out at the hips. Not usual, but Harry had never made any attempts at being normal or going with the flow.

"I have a gift for you," Rabastan said, removing the carefully gift-wrapped package out of his pocket and handing it over.

Harry grinned, "I got you one too," delightedly he rushed over to the brown packaged gifts cutting the string off he unearthed the gift he'd gotten for Rabastan. He'd wanted to gift him something for giving him this day, which had been the most perfect day ever in his opinion. "Here you go!"

"Thank you, love," Rabastan said, standing up, he kissed Harry's cheek chastely, his thumb stroked the red hue that expanded all over Harry's cheeks. He was such a delicate beauty, but he would never underestimate Harry. He was as fierce as any man, and would without a doubt make them regret thinking of him as such.

"You're welcome," Harry said flustered, Rabastan had never called him that before. Such a silly thing to get all flustered about, his stomach felt like it had live butterflies in it. He eagerly but carefully opened his gift, he opened the lid and gasped in amazement. "They're beautiful."

It was a pair of books designed cufflinks, blue diamond's set in 18 carets in platinum. "Wow, they're beautiful," he murmured, "I'm going to wear them!" he declared, "They match my waistcoat!" he added.

"They do," Rabastan agreed, reaching forward, setting his own gift aside, he removed the ones Harry had on, before attaching the new ones. "I still think you're a Slytherin masquerading as a Ravenclaw." He teased, giving a nod of approval, he was having a set with their initials made. HJPL and RLP it was just one of the many items he desired to gift his soon-to-be husband.

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